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Lin Zhang, Daniel J. Jacob, Jennifer A

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1 Global Distribution of the Ozone-CO Correlation from TES and Comparison to the GEOS-CHEM Model
Lin Zhang, Daniel J. Jacob, Jennifer A. Logan, Solene Turquety, Kevin Bowman (JPL), Qinbin Li (JPL), Helen Worden (JPL) AGU Fall Dec 9, 2005

2 O3-CO correlation: Indicator of ozone production
Parrish et al., JGR1998 Black: observed Red: GEOS-Chem Li et al., JGR2002 Ozone-CO correlations in surface and aircraft data have been used to test understanding of ozone production but the data are sparse. TES observations offer for the first time a global continuous data set of ozone-CO correlations to test model ozone budgets.

3 O3 and CO at 618 hPa in July 2005 TES vs
O3 and CO at 618 hPa in July TES vs. GEOS-Chem (with averaging kernels) CO at 618 hpa O3 at 618 hpa TES July 2005, 14 global surveys GEOS-Chem 3-D CTM, 2 x2.5 resolution, coupled oxidant-aerosol simulation driven by GEOS-4 assimilated meteorological fields

4 Deriving O3-CO correlations from TES data
July 2005, 618 hpa RMA Slope: 0.86±0.21 R: 0.56 RMA Slope: 0.68±0.22 R: 0.66 Divide the globe into 10ox10o cells In each cell, calculate the O3-CO correlation and regression coefficients for each month. Each cell has data points for July 2005. TES and GEOS-Chem profiles are reprocessed using an invariant a priori.

5 Global distribution of the O3-CO correlation
(July 2005, 618 hpa) ΔO3/ΔCO Correlation coeff. R TES GEOS-Chem with TES AK GEOS-Chem

6 Effect of measurement error on O3-CO correlations
Apply TES measurement errors to the model field: ΔO3/ΔCO Correlation coeff. R TES GEOS-Chem with TES AK and measurement error GEOS-Chem simulated O3-CO correlation agree well with TES observed after accounting for the measurement errors!

7 TES vs. GEOS-Chem scatterplots over selected regions
Southeastern U.S. Slope: 0.73 R: 0.39 Slope: 0.67 R: 0.80 East Asia South Africa Slope: 0.63 R: 0.55 Slope: 0.70 R: 0.56 Slope: 0.52 R: 0.79 Slope: 0.88 R: 0.75 + TES O GEOS-Chem with TES AK

8 O3–CO correlation: contribution from anthropogenic emissions and biomass burning
(July 2005, 618 hpa) ΔO3/ΔCO Correlation coeff. R GEOS-Chem standard simulation Sensitivity simulation with anthro. and biomass emissions shut off

9 Thank you for your attention!

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