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Motor Vehicle Crashes.

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1 Motor Vehicle Crashes


3 Motor Vehicle Crashes Target: I will be able to describe causes of motor vehicle crashes Motor Vehicle Crashes (MVC): Any collision between people operating any motorized vehicle. MVCs, and the resulting injuries, are predictable and preventable events Pg. 27

4 Causes of Motor Vehicle Crashes/Injuries:
High-Risk Driving: Dangerous driving behaviors that can result in crashes Includes: Speeding, running red lights, trying to beat trains, racing, doing “donuts” or “fishtails”, ghost riding, hanging out of cars


6 Impaired Driving: Driving under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, or other drugs
Alcohol is involved in approximately 70% of all fatal injuries DUII: “Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants” OR classifies driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs as one offense

7 Distracted Driving: Driving while performing any non-driving activity that has the potential to distract from driving Including: using cell phones, texting, sending s, searching for songs, eating, putting on makeup, reading/studying, using GPS systems, talking with passengers, etc.




11 Road Rage: Any display of aggression by an angry or impatient driver or passenger
Examples Include: Yelling, threats, gestures, intimidating stares, driving in an intimidating manner, throwing objects, “tapping” (bumping) another car

12 Events cited as provoking road rage: slow driving, loud music, refusing another car to pass you, cutting someone off, tailgating, and failing to signal.  Summary:

13 Car Crashes 101 Create a visual illustration explaining/showing the 4 main causes for MVCs (draw more than 1 example for each type) Or Create a concept map to show the relationships between the 4 main causes of MVCs/resulting injuries *Use a minimum of 4 colors* Pg. 26

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