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Presentation on theme: "Macromolecules."— Presentation transcript:

1 Macromolecules

2 The classes of organic molecules
Carbohydrates Lipids phospholipids and steroids Proteins Nucleic Acids

3 Class Monomer(s) Polymer(s) Carbohydrates monosaccharides
polysaccharides Proteins amino acids polypeptides fats, phospholipids, steroids Lipids fatty acids and glycerol Nucleic acids nucleotides polynucleotides

4 Carbohydrates Monomer: called a monosaccharide
based on a molecule composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. molecular formulas are multiples of the structural formula CH2O, like C6H12O6.

5 Aldose sugars = aldehyde group
enantiomers structural isomers Ketose sugars = ketone group

6 Sugars form rings in aqueous solution

7 Functions of monosaccharides…
Fuel metabolism (cellular respiration) Also used as the raw material to build other types of organic molecules (fatty acids, amino acids…)

8 Carbohydrates: polymers
Disaccharides: “two sugars” SUCROSE = GLUCOSE + FRUCTOSE SUCROSE

9 Glucose ring structures
formed in solution a= OH down b = OH up

10 Carbohydrates: polymers

11 Why does this matter? a 1->4 linkages are digestible by humans; starch b 1->4 linkages are not; cellulose Every other glucose is “upside down”

12 Functions of polysaccharides…
Carbohydrate energy storage starch (in plants) glycogen (in animals)

13 Functions of polysaccharides…
Structure Cellulose of plant cell walls Chitin of the cell walls of fungi and exoskeleton of insects


15 Lipids Monomers: Fatty acids Glycerol carboxyl
long chains of carbons and hydrogens linked by non-polar covalent bonds with a carboxyl group stuck on one end Jl;lkjlkj Glycerol a small 3 carbon molecule (C3H8O3)

16 Lipids… Polymers: Fats (triglycerides or triacylglycerol):
3 fatty acids, each bonded to one of the three carbons on a glycerol molecule. Glycerol Fatty acids

17 A saturated fat Don’t eat too much!!!
Ester Linkages resulting from a condensation reaction Don’t eat too much!!!

18 Types of fats… Saturated fats – Fatty acid tails are completely saturated with hydrogens; there are no double bonds between carbons comprising the fatty acid tails. Unsaturated fats – Fatty acid tails are incompletely saturated with hydrogens; one or more carbons comprising the fatty acid tails are double bonded together.

19 An unsaturated fat… Double bond Very “kinky” huh!

20 Saturated - vs - unsaturated fats

21 Why are unsaturated fats healthier than saturated fats?
The lack of double bonds in the fatty acid tails of saturated fats result in long, straight carbon chains. Long straight carbon chains can clump together and attach to the walls of blood vessels. These cause the buildup of atheroschlerotic plaque which can lead to disease such as… Arteriosclerosis Hypertension Heart attack Stroke

22 Unsaturated fats are healthier because…
the double bonds of unsaturated fats result in “kinks” in the fatty acid tails. these kinks in the molecule reduce “clumping” of fat molecules in blood vessels. this minimizes the buildup of atheroschlerotic plaques

23 Functions of fats… Energy storage Insulation Protection

24 They have both a hydrophilic
More lipids… Phospholipids diglycerides Phosphate group Glycerol Phospholipids are amphipathic molecules… They have both a hydrophilic and hydrophobic region. Fatty Acids

25 When phospholipids are placed in water, they will spontaneously aggregate into a bilayer…

26 Where in a cell can we find phospholipids?
the plasma membrane (outer membrane) membranes surrounding organelles

27 Many lipids are steroids….
carbon skeleton is composed of 4 carbon rings with various functional groups attached. Steroids are hydrophobic – they do not dissolve in water, but they are soluble in lipids.

28 Functions of steroids…
Hormones – signaling molecules of the endocrine system (i.e. sex hormones) Cholesterol – important component of cell membranes - helps maintain membrane fluidity


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