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Regional Overview (SADC)

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1 Regional Overview (SADC)
SDGs Course in Cape Verde By: Paliani Chinguwo SATUCC

2 Major development challenges
Impressive economic growth Unemployment, informal employment and working poverty have continued to persist Youths and women are more likely to be in the informal economy, be unemployed or underemployed Hence no access to social protection & social security Recently too little & too much rains-droughts, floods, power shortage, disasters, displacement, poor crop yields, hunger

3 Awareness of UNDAF Not heard of UNDAF at regional level
DWRP ( ) 1. Regional and technical work -Outcomes on LMIS, Labour Migration, Human trafficking 2. Promotional work -Outcomes on Youth employment; Decent work in informal economy; compliance to ILS, SADC Codes, 3.  Information sharing Outcomes on knowledge best practices; Skills development policies

4 Development Plan SADC has revised RISDP (2013-2018)
RISDP has four priority areas Employment is under Social & Human Development (special programmes) Trade unions proposed stand alone priority on employment NB: Trade unions actively involved in DWRP & RISDP

5 Development Plan SATUCC involved in review of Post 2015 Development Agenda at continental level (not SADC) Specific strategies/campaigns SADC Employment & Labour Protocol Campaign Human &Trade Union Rights Network ATUDCN campaign on SDGs

6 SADC RPO SADC has Regional Poverty Observatory which is supposed to monitor, review and input on implementation of 2030 Agenda It has been dormant for some time No regional action plan No active participation of trade unions lately Mere information sharing through SADC social dialogue (ELS) SDGs/AU agenda 2063 are essentially integrated into RISDP whose processes trade unions participated

7 Thank You

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