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What is the Electoral College?

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Presentation on theme: "What is the Electoral College?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the Electoral College?
Winning Slate of electors from respective State Votes Sent to Washington - Vice Pres. Counts 270/538 to win!

2 Why was an Electoral College Created?

3 Framers Distrusted the Average Voter
Felt that the population was not educated enough! Really just a Formality Now

4 How Does It Work - Choosing the President
Slate of Electors Chosen by Popular Vote Each Major Party Chooses Their “Electors” Number Determined by # of Representatives and Senators for each State Illinois - 18 House + 2 Senators = 20 votes! Popular Vote in November, Electors Cast Votes in State Capitol on Dec. 16 Votes sent to Senate in Washington D.C.






10 What if There is No Winner?
House elects President Occurred Twice 1800 and 1824 Senate chooses VP


12 Criticisms of System
Does not Express Will of the Voter Does not Represent Popular Vote “Winner take all System” Can Elect a President who Receives Fewer Popular Votes Than Opponent This has occurred 4 times! Smaller States Left out of Political Process

13 Possible Reform Measures
Abolish System Direct Election Choose Electors Differently Base Vote on % of Popular Vote Change would Require Amendment!

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