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Starts Monday September 10th Praying Ladies Uplifting Schools

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1 Starts Monday September 10th Praying Ladies Uplifting Schools
News and Updates Communicating to the community that Jesus transforms lives! September-October2018 Food Pantry Reports: July 21st, August 18th,2018 212 people people 80 boxes boxes 22 volunteers volunteers 8TH ANNUAL FALL FUNDRAISER BANQUET SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27TH, 2018 CASS CITY HIGH SCHOOL CAFETERIA Revive Ministries is continuing to grow and change as the needs of our community and neighbors change. Many opportunities for expansion of the program are before us, and we are hoping to share with you, and gain your support for what is to come. If you are interested in sponsoring a table or becoming a 2019 sponsor please visit or contact us at (989) Coffee & Donuts Every Friday Morning 8:00am-9:00am September Food Pantry 9/15th 10:00am-11:00am 9/18th 1:00pm-3:00pm 9/20th 5:00pm-7:00pm October Food Pantry 10/20th 10:00am-11:00am 10/23rd 1:00pm-3:00pm 10/25th 5:00pm-7:00pm “Morning Brew” Starts Tues, Sept 11th Cass City Red Hawks th – 12th graders Come join us for Coffee, Cappuccino, Hot Chocolate, and Snacks before school on Tuesday mornings 7 – 7:45a at “Common Grounds” (building next to Revive) Starts Monday September 10th Praying Ladies Uplifting Schools We meet weekly on Monday’s at 1:45-2:45pm & Friday mornings from 8:00-9:00am at Common Grounds (building next to Revive). Our purpose is to support and uplift our schools in prayer and show encouragement and appreciation to the teachers & staff throughout the year. Some ladies come just once a week, either on the Monday or Friday, whichever day works for them, others come both days. In this one hour we have an informal share time, a short Bible Study, then break up into small groups of 2 or 3 to pray together, either silently or out load. We also plan some type of encourage for the teachers or staff at the school each month. CASS CITY IMMUNIZATION CLINIC 3RD THURSDAY OF THE MONTH AT “COMMON GROUNDS” (building next to Revive) Sept 20th 9a – 2:30p Oct 18th 11a – 7p (late clinic) To schedule an appointment call Tuscola County Health Depart or Revive Ministries Main St. P.O. Box 57 Cass City, MI Phone: Facebook: Revive Ministries

2 STORE HOURS MONTHLY FOOD PANTRY Financial Peace University
Page 2 Now, when you shop online, you can give to Revive! Simply go to and choose Revive Ministries as your non-profit beneficiary. Then SHOP!! For every purchase you make through Amazon Smile, they will give us 0.5% back. DONATION GUIDELINES Donations are accepted during store hours. We accept gently used clothing, sheets/blankets, couches, tables/chairs, dressers, beds, kitchen utensils/dishes, refrigerators, stoves, washers, and dryers in working condition We NO LONGER ACCEPT televisions, mattresses, or car seats. Thank you!! STORE HOURS Tuesday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Wednesday 9:00 AM- 3:00PM Thursday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Friday 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM 3rd Saturday of the month 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM Pink or Treat Tuesday, Oct 23rd 5-6:30pm MONTHLY FOOD PANTRY (CASS CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT) Financial Peace University Dave Ramsey’s successful Financial Peace University is back! It is a 9 week, biblically based course that teaches you how to get rid of debt, spend and save wisely, and give generously! The next class will be in January 2019! Every Monday for 9 weeks At “COMMON GROUNDS” (building next to Revive) For more information – contact Revive Ministries at (989) or Brad Speirs (989) GUIDELINES Must bring personal identification Must have identification for each family member (birth certificate, shot record, report card, etc. Must bring proof of income (bridge card, food stamps, check stub, etc. Must be present to receive food Must be a resident of the Cass City School District FINANCIAL GUIDELINES Household Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Monthly Income Limit $2,075 $2,792 $3,508 $4.225 $4,942 $5,658 $6,375 $7,092 To receive this newsletter via , send us a line at *each additional member + $717

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