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Year 1 Newsletter Congratulations! Langley Park Primary Academy

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1 Year 1 Newsletter Congratulations! Langley Park Primary Academy
Friday 7th September 2018 Well what a busy week we have had in Year 1. We have spent lots of time exploring our environment and discussing the expectations of Year 1. In Art, we have explored the artist Modigliani and discussed the positive and negatives of his work during whole class discussions. From this the children created their own piece of artwork using different drawing and painting techniques. In English, children wrote a sequence of sentences using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Their sentences included a positive point and an improvement point on Modigliani’s painting. Whilst writing, the children used sound mats to help them. During Child Led Learning we have been exploring the outside environment and accessing all activities offered. We have used our social skills when sharing and responding to others. In Maths, we have been ordering numbers up to 20 and identifying missing numbers within number squares. Children have enjoyed numbering themselves in order and used their communication skills to help with this. Thought of the week ‘Today you are you, that is truer that true, there is no one alive who is youer that you!’ Dr Seuss. How can you help at home? Next week we will be focusing on counting forwards and backwards to and from 20. If you are out and about over the weekend what numbers can your child spot? What is one more/less than that number? Please read with your child at least 3 times a week and note down any tricky words or sounds that they recognise whilst reading. If your child has finished the book, please can you write a short note in their reading record so that the adult is aware the book will need changing. Thank you. Home Learning this week is: Tricky words for the week are: The, and , a, to said. Please remember our tricky words are not tested and are for your child to recognise and spell in their pieces of work. Please remember On Thursday 20th of September at our curriculum meeting will take place at 9am. We will discuss the expectations of Year 1, our daily routine and give you ideas of how to help at home. Please return your slip by Tuesday 18th September. If you are unable to attend, please provide your address so that we can send the information to you. We are available on our class s: Grandparents day will be on Friday 5th October 2018, you will receive more information in due course. Star of the week goes to… Enterprise – Freya: For always trying hard and being polite to others. Jubilee – Ariana: For being kind, helpful and polite to other members of the class and staff. Congratulations!

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