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More Than a Label.

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1 More Than a Label

2 Part 1 Instructions Complete the “Pre” side of the Anticipation Guide.
I’m going to test your observational skills. Look at each photo and write down the first word or words that come to mind about the person in the photo. (Not a description, like “he’s wearing a blue coat,” but what you can tell about the person or his/her character) I’m going to go quickly, so you need to write quickly.













15 Part 2 Instructions For the second exercise, I will be showing you two photos side by side, with a question at the top of the page. Use your hold-up card to answer the question for each pair of photos. (Use “A” for Left Photo and “B” for Right Photo)

16 Who would you ask for directions?

17 Who is smarter?

18 Who would you vote for Governor?

19 Who would you hire for a job?

20 Who is smarter?

21 Who is a Republican?

22 Who is more responsible?

23 Who would you cast as a leading man in a movie?

24 Who is a liberal?

25 Who is Catholic?

26 Part 3 Directions Turn to your shoulder partner and discuss:
What was the list of descriptors/answers you chose for the photos? Were any of the descriptors similar? Were your choices/answers similar? Why do you think they were or weren’t similar?

27 Bigotry With your partner, get up and find another set of partners to form a group of four. Discuss: What is bigotry? (write down/share several definitions) What are some examples of your own biases? What are some examples of some of the bigotries society encourages? What bigotries did you notice from the first activity we did? Why do we often make snap judgments about others? How do our snap judgments affect our worldview and our ability to be good citizens?

28 You’ve Got to be Carefully Taught
You've got to be taught To hate and fear, You've got to be taught From year to year, It's got to be drummed In your dear little ear You've got to be carefully taught. You've got to be taught to be afraid Of people whose eyes are oddly made, And people whose skin is a diff'rent shade, You've got to be carefully taught. You've got to be taught before it's too late, Before you are six or seven or eight, To hate all the people your relatives hate, You've got to be carefully taught!

29 Why do we do it? With your partner, move to find a different set of partners to form a new group of four. Discuss: When we treat a person or group with prejudice, what do we get out of it? How does it make us feel? How does it make others feel? What kind of world am I creating when I judge another group? What are some actions everyone can take to reduce bigotry (on both a personal and societal level)?

30 What would you do? Directions: In your small groups, pick one of these scenarios and prepare to act them out, incorporating a strategy to reduce bigotry? A homeless guy comes up and asks you for money. A goth girl wants to sit at the “preppie” table (where you’re sitting) for lunch. A fur-wearer and an animal rights person meet on the street. A pro-life supporter and pro-choice activist meet on a college campus. Students are hassling a guy you know is gay. A person in a wheelchair comes up and starts talking to you. You can’t understand what she’s saying. A person from an opposing political party comes up and starts arguing with you about an important issue. You overhear someone who looks to be Muslim criticizing lazy, violent, greedy Americans. You witness someone in traditional Muslim dress be spit on and called a terrorist. One of your friends tells a racist joke.

31 What can we do? Read through the Packet with tips on overcoming hatred/stereotypes: “25 Things You Can Do, Starting Today” from the book More Than a Label by Aisha Muharrar Make a short list of personal actions you can take to reduce bigotry in your life. Make a short list of school/community-level actions you can take to reduce bigotry in school/society. Complete the “Post” side of the Anticipation Guide.

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