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Temporal &Spatial Dependency of the MOS RMF

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1 Temporal &Spatial Dependency of the MOS RMF

2 MOS1 Thin filter 0447

3 MOS2 Thin filter 0433 0447

4 - Able to do spectral analysis of on- and off-‘patch’ regions
1ES0102 keV images ‘Good’ spectra – clean images ‘Bad spectra’ – bright ‘patch’ - Able to do spectral analysis of on- and off-‘patch’ regions

5 MOS1 Rev375 MOS1 Rev375 MOS1 Rev447 MOS2 Rev447 ‘patch’ ‘patch’ ‘non-patch’ ‘non-patch’

6 Only 0447 lies on MOS1 Boresight
11 obs. Only 0447 lies on MOS1 Boresight 0447 MOS1 Boresight

7 Only 0433 & 0447 lie on MOS2 Boresight
12 obs. Only 0433 & 0447 lie on MOS2 Boresight 0433 0447 MOS2 Boresight

8 - Investigate possible photon damage at boresights
- Stacking of all-pattern, all-energy images from all imaging mode observations MOS1 (CCD1) 3249 Event Files Events MOS2 (CCD1) 3223 Event Files Events

9 - Investigate possible photon damage at boresights
- Comparison of boresight positions (pn/RGS prime) with stacked images (zoom) MOS1 MOS2 RGS prime 299,299 RGS prime 309,295 pn prime 315,291 pn prime 303,305 310 300 290 280 300 320 290 310

10 N132D Mos1 Searching for ‘patch’ in other datasets/objects… 0283 Thin
keV keV keV keV 0283 Thin 0606 Med 0771 Thin No Thin filter, ‘On-Patch’ Observations 0828 Thin

11 N132D Mos2 0283 Thin 0606 Med 0771 Thin No Thin filter, ‘On-Patch’
keV keV keV keV 0283 Thin 0606 Med 0771 Thin No Thin filter, ‘On-Patch’ Observations 0828 Thin

12 N132D - Rev 0606 - Medium filter M1 - ‘On-Patch’ M1 M2 M2 0.1-0.35 keV
smoothed M2 M2 smoothed

13 N132D Mos1 0474 - Medium filter 0538 0542 0552 0.1-0.35 keV

14 N132D Mos2 0474 - Medium filter 0538 0542 0552 0.1-0.35 keV

15 - No spatial evidence for ‘patch’ found in N132D (larger remnant - more complex, spatially and spectrally - no thin-filter, on-boresight observations) - Other Objects? Coma – Many observations – All Medium Filter Tycho – 1 observation – Medium filter Kepler – 1 observation – Thick filter (No such features [spectral enhancements, spatial ‘patch’] seen in pn analysis - remnant however sometimes on CCD gap, or non-thin filter used)

16 1ES0102 - Proposed On- Boresight Raster Observation
- Performed in Revs 894/900 4 observations: - 894 - 900a - 900b1 & 900b2 (flare-damaged) - 900c

17 0447

18 0447

19 0433 0447

20 433&447

21 - Fluxes calculated and compared (dotted lines show ±10% variation)
keV - Models (continuum + multi-Gaussian) fitted to spectra in narrow energy bands - Fluxes calculated and compared (dotted lines show ±10% variation) - On-Axis observations (433, 447, 894, 900) show marked departures from mean keV keV

22 - Zoom of 894-900 region (all on-axis)

23 - At higher energies, flux is very constant
keV - At higher energies, flux is very constant keV - Across whole energy band, flux is quite well conserved keV

24 M1(raw/smoothed) M2(raw/smoothed)
MOS1 in timing mode keV RAWX/Y images M1(raw/smoothed) M2(raw/smoothed) from Revs. 433, 447, 894, 900(a,b1/2,c) - MOS2 patch is compact, stationary, distinct - MOS1 patch is fuzzier, not so distinct, more diffuse - Are able to compare ‘patch’ and ‘non- patch’ spectra ,as before…

25 MOS1 Rev375 MOS1 Rev375 MOS1 Rev447 MOS2 Rev447 ‘patch’ ‘patch’ ‘non-patch’ ‘non-patch’

26 - peak ‘level’ (?) reached by rev 447 - little evolution thereafter
M1 On-patch - peak ‘level’ (?) reached by rev 447 - little evolution thereafter 447 375 (off-axis)

27 - low-moderate effect at rev 447 - moderate evolution thereafter
M1 Off-patch - low-moderate effect at rev 447 - moderate evolution thereafter 894 447 375 (off-axis)

28 - moderate effect at rev 433/447 (lower than M1)
M2 On-patch - moderate effect at rev 433/447 (lower than M1) - moderate evolution (to peak level?) 447 375 (off-axis) 433

29 - low (zero) effect at rev 433/447 - moderate evolution thereafter
M2 Off-patch - low (zero) effect at rev 433/447 - moderate evolution thereafter 375 (off-axis) 433 447

30 On-patch – Off-patch M1 375 (off-axis) M2 375 (off-axis)

31 On-patch – Off-patch M1 447 M2 447

32 On-patch – Off-patch M1 894 M2 894

33 On-patch – Off-patch M1 900a M2 900a

34 On-patch – Off-patch M1 900c M2 900c

35 Spatial Analysis of ‘Patch’
- Mosaic all ‘good’ off-axis sky (X/Y) images to obtain keV images of ‘non-patch’ remnant - Using knowledge of remnant detector position and observation position angle, rotate and flip this image to correct RAWX/RAWY position & orientation for each ‘bad’ on-axis pointing - Subtract rotated/flipped image from each ‘bad’ on-axis RAWX/RAWY image (correcting for relative exposures) to obtain images of the remainder – the ‘patch’

36 - M1 patch is bright, and quite large already at rev 447
- Outer regions become larger and even brighter at later times

37 - M2 patch is not as bright as M1, and is initially compact
- Outer regions become effected at later times

38 Mosaics (raw & smoothed) of ‘patch’ images for MOS1

39 Mosaics (raw & smoothed) of ‘patch’ images for MOS2

40 - Patch is only visible when remnant illuminates the particular area of detector
- 1ES0102 acts like a torchlight – Final correction is made for this



43 New Boresights? MOS2 MOS1 Obvious places that are close, equidistant from pn/RGS boresights (and by pn-RGS boresight offset) and with relatively little photon impact

44 Discussion: Dealing with ‘The Patch’? – - New Boresight(s)? - Spatio-temporal RMF? - Correct on photon-by-photon basis?


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