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Discussion re future of the land owned by District

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Presentation on theme: "Discussion re future of the land owned by District"— Presentation transcript:

1 Discussion re future of the land owned by District
Alderley District Scout Council

2 Agenda What do we actually own ? What can we do ? What can’t we do ? How are we going to manage the land going forward? Frank Woodall (SAS Manager) What ideas do we have for the use of the land ? How could my Section use it ? Chris Wright (ESL, The Edge ESU) Q & A (All) Decision time (All) Election of Taskforce Members (All)

3 Slides from Frank What do we actually own ? What can we do ? What can’t we do ? How are we going to manage the land going forward?

4 Slides from Chris What ideas do we have for the use of the land ? How could my Section use it ?

5 Questions and Answers

6 Discuss and agree the following motion:
This Scout Council agrees to retain the land we own on Alderley Edge for use in "Leave No Trace" Scouting activities. It further agrees to form a small taskforce to champion use of the land by all sections of the District

7 Election of members of the Taskforce
Beaver Section representative Cub Section representative Scout Section representative Explorer Section representative Scout Active Support representative

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