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Sentence Structure lesson two.

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Presentation on theme: "Sentence Structure lesson two."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sentence Structure lesson two

2 There are four types of sentence structure
simple sentence compound sentence complex sentence compound-complex sentence

3 Simple Sentence -shows one idea -contains a subject + verb
-subject (noun, what the sentence is about) + verb (the action) Examples: “Miss K is eating” “Jake talks” “The dog walked”

4 Compound Sentence For And Nor But Or Yet So
-two simple sentences combined by a comma and a coordinating conjunction -the conjunctions are: Here are some examples: “Miss K likes coffee, and Paul likes Tea” “James was a hard worker, but Sarah was lazy” “George likes to go hiking, but I like to eat burritos” “He slept all night, but she tossed and turned” For And Nor But Or Yet So

5 Complex Sentences -an independent clause and a dependent clause
-combined by a comma and a subordinating conjunction EX: “Although I love to eat, I have to watch my portions” “Miss K returned the packet, after discovering the cheating” -although -until -since -after -unless -if -as -because -when -while -before

6 Compound-Complex Sentences
-TWO (2) or more independent clauses and -ONE (1) or more dependent clause Ex: “Though Miss K prefers watching comedic films, she rented the latest spy thriller, and she enjoyed it very much”

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