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Secondary Computing and ICT Curriculum

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1 Secondary Computing and ICT Curriculum
MASTERY STATEMENTS: YEAR 8 CAROUSEL Computing ICT Digital Literacy E-Safety I can perform Binary calculations and represent data in binary format. (C1) Week 4 lesson 2 I can identify and explain the hardware and software components of a computer systems. (IT1) Week 1 I understand recent IT trends and can make predictions about future technology. (DL1) I know about and can suggest ways to reduce the impact of E-waste on the environment. (ES1) I can explain how computer memory works and the Fetch Execute Cycle works. (C2) Week 4 lesson 1 I can identify different types of computer crime including (phishing, scamming, flaming, spamming, hacking, revenge, Piracy, Fraud). (IT2) Week 3 Lesson 1 I have used different operating systems and can compare their features. (DL2 Week 2 lesson 2 I can demonstrate the use of a computer safely and with consideration. (ES2) I can edit, create and change webpages as well as manipulate HTML and CSS. (C3) I know how to take actions that will protect me online and to keep me safe. (ES3) Week 2 (lesson 1) I can use a web form and describe how data it captures is validated, transmitted and recorded. (C4)

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