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Welcome to 3rd Grade Curriculum Night Austin Road Elementary ~

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 3rd Grade Curriculum Night Austin Road Elementary ~"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 3rd Grade Curriculum Night Austin Road Elementary ~ 2018-2019
Presented by: Ms. Coleman Ms. Hill Mrs. Moser Success Success Success Education Mission: Reaching Excellence through: Voice, Ownership. Innovation, Collaboration, Engagement

2 Curriculum Night Georgia Standards of Excellence
(English/Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies) Homework Policy/Google Classroom/Readworks Third Grade Discipline Plan / S.O.A.R. Attendance Forms of communication Parent Volunteers /Chaperones Class DoJo Infinite Campus Report Card

3 Henry County Safety Policy
It is a Henry County Schools policy that all parents and visitors must check-in the front office with Mrs. Queen or Mrs. Peterson. Visitors must have on a Visitors Tag. Classroom doors are locked at all times. Teacher and staff members will check for visitor tags.

4 Achieving Success in Reading/Language Arts
In Reading /Language Arts, students will learn: The conventions of standard English How to apply word analysis skills to decode and read fluently Strategies to better comprehend and understand different types of text How to write different texts for various purposes (narrative, informational, and opinion pieces) How to conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic Reading comprehension will be measured using F&P (goal is Level P), MAP and CFA’s.

5 Achieving Success in Math
Number and Operations - Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic - Fluently add and subtract within 1,000 using multiple strategies to solve word problems - Represent and compare fractions / equivalent fractions Algebraic Reasoning - Represent and solve problems using multiplication and division - Fluently multiply and divide within 100 - Explain patterns in arithmetic Geometry - Reason with shapes and their attributes

6 Achieving Success in Math
Data Analysis - Represent and interpret data (draw a pictograph, a bar graph and a line plot) Measurement - Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects - Understand the concepts of area as it relates to multiplication - Solve problems involving perimeters of polygons. Students will be assessed using CFA’s and MAP

7 Achieving Success in Science
* Life Science Habitats * Earth Science Rocks and Soil Fossils Pollution/ Conservation * Physical Science Heat

8 Achieving Success in Social Studies
Government / Civic Understanding Economic Geography American Indians Explorers

9 Homework Policy Read for a minimum 20 minutes daily
Homework is a key part of student success. It is an excellent way to preview and reinforce skills and concepts taught in the classroom. Read for a minimum 20 minutes daily Other assigned homework assignments / projects varying by classroom Please sign Wednesday’s Take Home Folders Google Classroom

10 Third Grade Discipline Plan
Safe Organize Accountable Respectful When positive behaviors are noticed throughout the building, faculty and staff will give the student’s Class Dojo points . Students meeting the required number of 20 Dojo points at the end of the week will be rewarded with a treat. Routines and rituals will be taught and followed daily to build a positive learning environment. However, if students do not follow the classroom rules, the following steps will be taken.   1. Verbal Warning 2. Conference with teacher 3. Time out in the classroom 4. Time out in another classroom 5. Call home/Parent conference 6. Infinite Campus behavior referral

11 Third Grade Discipline Plan
This year Austin Road Elementary is participating in utilizing the Class Dojo program. Parents’ don’t forget to sign up for Class Dojo!

12 Attendance Students MUST be in class by 7:45 to be marked present. Students arriving after 7:45 must be checked in through the front office for check-in by parent/guardian. The breakfast line stops serving breakfast at 7:40 each morning.

13 Forms of Communication
Open communication between home and school is extremely vital to your child’s success!  Remind/ / Phone call/Class Dojo Messenger/Phone Blast Written notes in your child’s agenda or daily folder Class Website Conferences will be held each nine weeks (student led, parent teacher, student led, parent teacher)

14 Parent Volunteers / Chaperones
In an effort to maintain the safety of all students at Austin Road Elementary School, all volunteers are required to have a background check by Henry County Schools. If you'd like to volunteer, chaperone a field trip, or have direct contact with the students, you will need to undergo a free background check.  This needs to be done as soon as possible.  It could take up to fourteen days before a background comes back.  If you wait to the event date is near to get this done, it is possible that it will not be back.  If this is the case, you would not be allowed to participate.  Please contact the Main Office at to complete the required and necessary paperwork to have your background check completed.  

15 Parent Volunteers Classroom visits are limited to 15 minutes. Please be mindful not to take pictures of other students during your visit. Birthdays celebrations must be conducted during your child’s lunch hours. Please be mindful that we do have students with peanut allergies. All food must be store bought.

16 Note: Grades will be updated every Tuesday by 12a.m.
Infinite Campus Parents can view grades online via the Parent Portal on Infinite Campus. If you haven’t already done so, please contact the front office to obtain login information to Parent Portal. Note: Grades will be updated every Tuesday by 12a.m.

17 Awards Criteria Two awards ceremonies will be held this year. The first one will be in January, and the second one will be May. Please refer to the awards criteria handout. This handout will be made available to you in the near future.

18 Report Card 4’s = exceeding 3’s = meeting 2’s = progressing 1’s = emerging 0’s = critical need Only the standards are listed on the report card.

19 Standardized State Assessment
Georgia Milestone Assessment ELA and Math will be tested Given in April The test results can be used to assist with student’s placement for 4th grade More information to come

20 Questions

21 Thank you for attending curriculum night!

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