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User Guide Portman Concur

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1 User Guide Portman Concur
If you display this guide in slide show format and ensure your sound is activated on your computer, you will be able to hear an audio commentary. You will need to move through each slide in order to hear the comments. User Guide

2 You will be prompted to change your password at first login.
Concur Login Page You will be prompted to change your password at first login. This is the login page where you will be asked to enter your user name and password.

3 Approval

4 Approving a Trip This is the Concur home page.
Click on ‘Trips Awaiting Approval’. To Approve or Reject the trip you should click on the Trip Name.

5 You can ‘Approve’ or ‘Reject’ the trip from
Approving a Trip The ‘Request Status/History tab will show why the trip requires approval. To view the full details of the trip you can click on the Travel Itinerary tab. You can ‘Approve’ or ‘Reject’ the trip from this area.

6 If you are rejecting the trip you should give a reason why.
Approving a Trip You can add comments before approving the trip, this will be for reporting purposes only. If you are rejecting the trip you should give a reason why. Once you press okay the trip will be approved or rejected depending on your choice and the traveller will receive an to confirm. If the booking has been approved the booking will follow the normal ticketing process. Add any applicable comments and then select okay in order to continue with the booking.

7 For any assistance please contact the Online Helpdesk on your dedicated number.

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