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What is the best way to attack a castle?

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Presentation on theme: "What is the best way to attack a castle?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the best way to attack a castle?
WALT – describe methods of medieval siege warfare

2 Place the dates in chronological order
1BC 5,000BC 1224 534AD 100AD 1154 15,000BC 1999 1485

3 Choose your task Stick each of the pictures in your book and write a few sentences about each method of attack. Make a leaflet about the methods of attack explain what each one is. You are a soldier in William’s army and one of your baron’s has not followed your orders. You are going to attack his castle in Durham. Write a letter to Lord Neville, one of your closet supporters, explaining to him how he is going to attack the castle. You may need to tell him what he needs to build and why because he has never come across some of these methods before!

4 Task A siege tower was made from…

5 Undermining was… A mangonel…

6 Scaling ladders… A trebuchet…

7 Fire was… A sneak attack was…

8 Canons were… Besieging was when…

9 Trebuchet Trebuchet Mangonel Mangonel Cannon Cannon Scaling Ladders Scaling Ladders Fire Fire Siege Towers Siege Towers Undermining Undermining Sneak Attack Sneak Attack Besieging Besieging

10 Now say what you have picked as your top choice and why!!
Rank the ways of attacking a castle 1-9. At the top should be the best way of attacking the castle, down to the worst way of attacking a castle.

11 Tic Tac Toe List 3 castle defences. Name 5 castle defences.
Recall 3 facts about the Tower of London. Explain how a siege tower works. Investigate the siege of Rochester. Compare keep castles and concentric castles. Justify the statement ‘Motte and Bailey castles were useless!’ Design your own siege weapon which would be used in medieval warfare! Imagine you are a soldier in the first motte and bailey castle William built. You need to write a letter to William explaining why he should build more despite some soldiers not liking the castle!

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