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Differentiation by Specialization

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1 Differentiation by Specialization
John Hill, CFP Chief Executive Officer

2 “Whenever we talk about the top three firms attracting twice as many clients as their next nearest competitor, it’s really firms in a particular specialty.

3 “Going forward, a key differentiator will be clarity of value proposition. There is a difference between a lottery winner, a business owner, an executive, etc. They all realized their money in different ways, their attitude towards money is different and they have different problems.

4 “There are different driving forces that cause a business to grow
“There are different driving forces that cause a business to grow. The two most common are a niche strategy where they have a clearly defined community they are serving. The second most common ... is that they have a technical specialty. They are known for something unique.” - Mark Tibergien


6 Niche Considerations, where do I Start?
Start with a complete evaluation of your current client list What unique characteristics do they share? What organizations do they belong to? What companies do they work for? What do they do for a living? What do you love to do?

7 Execute

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