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Webropol events – getting started 4

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1 Webropol events – getting started 4
Formatting and managing your event

2 The symbols at the top of the “edit registration form” screen, allow you to change and manage your event You can change the language to something other than English This allows you to import images – such as the NHSGGC logo to show that your event is an official one. You can import images form your PC to load onto the event. See the Knowledge Sharing handbook for more information and You can change the layout of the event registration form by using this – see the next slide Configure your event settings and set up things like notifications See what your event registration will look like and test it out

3 Layout lets you change how your from will look, both in the printed version and online
This allows you to add a logo (from the image gallery), add a colour background, and have the form either portrait or landscape. Change the Font size or change text type Inserting a progress bar is especially recommended for long forms/surveys You can change the style of numbering to take it out – recommended if you’ve used skip logic Round the corners of your form or leave them square Not really used in events as this has to do with Maxtrix questions

4 On this example I’ve used some of the layout features, so the NHSGGC logo has been added, the background is blue, the corners are rounded, the question numbers have been taken out and a progress bar has been added at the top.

5 The Settings Symbol allows you to configure your registration form and event settings.
Sets up automatic s that either the person registering receives or the event organiser gets (or both) Allows groups to register – rather than individuals Manages waiting lists and maximum numbers – this has been activated as we set a limit of 15 at the initial event screen Allows the person registering to cancel or make changes

6 There are two types of emails available via settings
There are two types of s available via settings. The one that the person registering gets and the one that the organiser gets. The s that the system sends to someone who has registered can be configured – although as you can see an automatic acknowledgement of their registration is already set up. You can also configure it so if someone who has registered answers a specific question, they will be sent an .

7 You can edit the notification of registration email
You can then put your own message into the You can also set up your amended as a template so you don’t have to keep typing it

8 Webropol can also send out specific s in response to someone answering a question – so for example if they have said no to a question about a required qualification they could get an saying that they were not allowed to register for this event. This can also be set as a default

9 The set up for the automatic s that the event organiser can receive is the same. You can get an every time someone has registered or …. You can get an only if they answer a specifc question – in this case if they don’t eat eggs

10 Group registration can be set up if you want people to register as a group or team rather than as individuals This setting manages waiting lists – it’s activated here as we said at the start that the maximum number was 15 The wait list setting allows you to configure the message people registering get and automatically manage the wait list so if someone drops out, the next on the wait list will be informed

11 The functions settings allows you to set it so the person registering can make changes to their registration This means that they can change for example their dietary requirements or cancel their registration. If they are allowed to cancel their registration you can set it so that they can’t make changes after a certain date – say two days before the event.

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