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Competitive Events 2018-19.

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Presentation on theme: "Competitive Events 2018-19."— Presentation transcript:

1 Competitive Events

2 Essential Documents What: National FCCLA Competitive Events Guide
Where: Membership Affiliation Portal Why: Event eligibility, policies & rubrics. Review page for FAQ + event information. What: Montana FCCLA Manual Where: Montana FCCLA Website Why: Montana specific processes and policies: pages 6-7 are essential and those policies take precedence over National policies. Event Resources (templates): National FCCLA Website

3 Membership Affiliation + Competitive Events
Event categories match membership categories. A junior member (grades 7-9) will only be able to compete at the junior level* Occupational members, must submit their occupational membership application request annually If a member has been previously approved as an occupational member they may continue to compete in the occupational category. If you need to change a membership category (or spelling of an individuals name), log into the membership affiliation system, click request change. The request will be automatically forwarded to Montana FCCLA for review. Membership Affiliation + Competitive Events *exception: teams which will be discussed later.

4 What is offered at Montana FCCLA State Leadership Conference?
Selecting Events What is offered at Montana FCCLA State Leadership Conference?

5 Skill Demonstration Events: Format
Individual events. State & Cluster Meeting event only; students do not qualify for the National Leadership Conference. Students receive gold, silver, bronze metals or certificate of participation. Trophy for the 1st place finisher who scores at least a silver or gold. Skill Demonstration Events: Format

6 Skill Demonstration Events Offered
#TeachFCS Toys that Teach Culinary Knife Skills Impromptu Speaking Interior Design Sketch FCCLA Creed Speaking Interviewing Skills FCCLA Knowledge Challenge (testing) Skill Demonstration Events Offered

7 Every in-person event; every category is offered!
STAR Events Every in-person event; every category is offered!

8 A chapter may have a maximum of:
Two entrants per event per category in any STAR Competitive Event. However, Chapter in Review may only have one entrant per chapter per National FCCLA policy. Three entrants in any SKILL Demonstration Event

9 Individual members may enter a maximum of:
STAR One STAR Competitive Event with the exception of Parliamentary Procedure. Members competing in Parliamentary Procedure may compete in two STAR events. STAR + Skill One STAR Competitive Event and one Skill Demonstration Event. SKILL Two Skill Demonstration Events.

10 When Registering Teams
Team of 3 (note how they all have the same team # beside their name) When Registering Teams Two teams of 1 (competing separately) If a team is mixed category (junior and senior members), they must compete at the higher level. When registering them, do so as two separate teams. Then, to let us know. We will change the settings to put them on a single team and you back to confirm.

11 Most items complete in advance of arriving at SLC!
Point Summary Form 3 1 2 Most items complete in advance of arriving at SLC!

12 1. STAR Online Orientation
Log onto the Montana FCCLA Website after March 1 Students watch the short orientation video Complete one online orientation documentation per entrant (individual or team) Bring a hard copy to SLC to give to event lead at the time of your presentation 1. STAR Online Orientation No in-person check-in the night before competition.

13 2. STAR Online Project Summary Form
Adviser, log into the membership portal Click ’surveys’ 2. STAR Online Project Summary Form One entrant per (individual or team) completes the survey Print the confirmation and include with STAR event per event instructions

14 STAR Event Online Testing
Applied Math for Culinary Management & Parliamentary Procedure All events which require testing will be conducted online Testing available during a specified window: March 1-15 This does NOT occur for Skill Demonstration Events – Ten question FCCLA knowledge test for Skill Events is Friday at 8:30 and FCCLA Knowledge Challenge Event if Friday at 9:00

15 Before February 8: Can log in and make any changes desired within the registration system.
After February 8: Registration is final and non- refundable. If a student will not be competing/attending as registered: Complete the Change of Activity Form as soon as possible! Can request that the student changes activity type or indicate that they will not be attending. Complete for individuals on a team; even if the team is still competing. Change of Activity Knowing, as early as possible, what changes will occur has a significant impact on our ability to generate accurate schedules quickly and ensure a great student experience. It also impacts the budget!

16 Follow the Montana FCCLA Dress Code + Competitive Event Manual Guidelines
Blazers are NOT required; but allowed Khakis are allowed Dress Code

17 What to expect in Bozeman!
On-Site Logistics What to expect in Bozeman!

18 3. Registration Packet Registration is Thursday from 12-1:30 at the SUB Must check-in and confirm attendance

19 Campus Parking & Material Storage
Thursday: 12-4:30 & Friday: 8:00- 2:00 One room per competition building. At your own risk. Plan for inclement weather.

20 Chapter Schedule (advisers will receive Thursday at 4:30 during the Adviser Meeting)
Schedules will not be posted in a central location; they will be given to adviser to share with students & posted outside competition rooms.

21 Logistics All events occur between 9:00-1:45
Anticipate stations (up from 42) Anticipate needing evaluators (up from 110) Please help us recruit! Logistics

22 Awards Process

23 STAR Medals & National Qualification
Based upon average score by judges Top entrants per event, per category with a 85+ are eligible to attend NLC STAR Medals & National Qualification

24 Determine National Qualifiers (when multiple stations)
Standard Deviation will be used to determine the ranking of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Determine National Qualifiers (when multiple stations) This system is already in place within DLG and used by several states The T score is generated based upon all participants. Entrants scored easier typically receive a reduced score and those scored harder typically receive an increased score. A smaller “N” does result in a less reliable sample; yet it is still consistently applying the math to all scores. This enhances consistency in the judge scoring between those scored earlier in the day vs. later. It’s not necessarily a direct comparison of who was ranked a national qualifier this year vs. the standard deviation scores when you consider potential biases with the call back system including tired judges, nerves of students, potential biases with more judges knowing students and/or comparing them to one another vs. the rubric.

25 Friday: Awards Ceremony
Top 5 entrants per event, per category, with a 85 or higher will be recognized on-stage Friday: Awards Ceremony

26 Chapter Results and Medals (immediately after awards)

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