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Cellular Respiration Overview Lecture 1

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1 Cellular Respiration Overview Lecture 1
Cellular Respiration Overview Lecture 1

2 In this chapter we will learn how ______________
 Image from: In this chapter we will learn how ______________ get their energy by consuming other organisms. HETEROTROPHS GLUCOSE We get our energy from the __________ plants made during _______________ when we eat plants or eat animals that ate the plants. PHOTOSYNTHESIS

3 In this chapter, we will learn how this glucose is ____________ by organisms and the _______
is stored as _______ broken down energy ATP What kind of organisms do this?

4 ALL LIVING THINGS NEED ENERGY! All organisms burn glucose for fuel
Animals (Including humans) plants bacteria fungi

5 Glucose + Oxygen  Carbon Dioxide + Water + ATP
Overall Reaction Glucose + Oxygen  Carbon Dioxide + Water + ATP C6H12O6 6 CO2 _____________ + _________ →________ + __________ + __________ 6O2 6 H2O


7 How do each of the following organisms get the reactants and release the products?
Animals? Plants? Bacteria?

8 slowly in ________________. many steps
CELLULAR RESPIRATION happens __________ in ________________. If all the energy was released in one step… most would be lost as ____________________! slowly many steps light and heat

9 MITOCHONDRIA = cell power plant
Surrounded by ___________ membrane Outer membrane & Inner membrane (called _______________ ) Space between inner membrane & outer membrane = ____________________ Space inside cristae folds = _________________ DOUBLE CRISTAE INTERMEMBRANE SPACE MATRIX

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