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ASSESSMENT Presented by Kaushal Singh, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "ASSESSMENT Presented by Kaushal Singh, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASSESSMENT Presented by Kaushal Singh, Ph.D.
Department of Silviculture & Agroforestry College of Forestry Banda University of Agriculture & Technology, Banda U.P.

2 Getting started From their earliest school experience, students draw life-shaping conclusions about themselves as learners on the basis of the information provided to them as a result of classroom assessments

3 What is Assessment Assessment refers to collecting information on the progress of learners’ learning using a variety of procedures, to making judgments on the basis of the information collected (Sarkar, T.K. 2012). Assessment is a means to provide constant feedback to the learner to make the course effective by collecting, analyzing and interpreting students‘ progress and achievement(Kapur, K.,2008).

4 Why to Assessment Measures the effectiveness of impact in meeting objectives Measures the effectiveness of instructor Provide feedback to students Provides students gratification and motivation

5 Types of Assessment As per quality of assessment Quantitative
Qualitative As per time of assessment Formative Summative Pre and post Internal External

6 As per quality of assessment
Quantitative Assessment Provide information that can be counted to answer such questions as “How many”, “Who was involved Expressed in proportions Example: How many students have got >70 %

7 As per quality of assessment
Qualitative Assessment Communicate general expectations Expressed in grading Open to interpretation Examples: Qualitative data answer such questions as: when did something happen.

8 As per time of assessment
Formative assessment Ongoing assessment during an instructional period To know the perceptions of the students in comparison to instructor Examples: Asking questions in class, Presentation, project and essay

9 As per time of assessment
Summative assessment Conducted at the end of course Purpose is to form a judgment about Performance of student Effectiveness of an instructor Effectiveness of the course

10 Formative v/s Summative assessment
Quality Formative Summative Purpose Detect strength and weakness Overall achievements Frequency During or end of unit In end -point of course/semester Area covered One unit/no. of units Course content Feedback to students Done immediately Inform regarding pass or fail

11 Pre and Post assessment
Assessment in beginning to assess needs Assessment in end to assess outcome To assess degree of achievement of objectives through pre and post assessment

12 Internal and external assessment
Internal assessment is a process of quality review undertaken within an institution for its own ends (without the involvement of external peers) Example: mid term External assessment is a process of quality review involving external peers. Example: end term, practical exam etc.

13 Questions Types of questions
Assessment questions should include each level of assessment Cognitive domain (knowledge) Affective domain (Impact) Psychomotor (skills) Types of questions Open ended MCQ Closed True/False Essay type Matching words Scalar Fill in the blanks

14 Conclusion “If you can not measure it You can not improve it” So assessment is important

15 Thanks

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