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Review for Test on Cold War and 1950s

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1 Review for Test on Cold War and 1950s
HW: Study

2 Identify Truman Doctrine – giving aid to Turkey and Greece so they do not turn to communism. Marshall Plan- Giving aid to Europe so they can rebuild – prevent the spread of communism.

3 Brown v. Board of Education
Separate schools are unequal.

4 Rise of Suburbs Automobiles allowed for growth of suburbs. Also increase in population called for suburbs.

5 Women and African Americans in Post WWII
Women continued working. African Americans moved north for the factories.

6 Martin Luther King Jr. Follow civil disobedience,
Dream Speech – blacks and whites can work together

7 Bus Boycotts, Freedom Rides
Civil disobedience to end segregation

8 Civil Disobedience Non-violent protest

9 Formation of NATO Created to bring democratic nations together

10 Containment Policy Policy to contain the spread of communism

11 Occupation of Japan After WWII the US occupied Japan –

12 Communist Leader of China
Mao Zedong

13 Korean War North Korea invaded South Korea to spread communism. War ended with the division of Korea.

14 Berlin Wall To define the border between East and West Germany

15 Cold War Tensions Problems between the US and Soviet Union

16 Cuban Missile Crisis Soviet Union put missiles in Cuba – US set up a blockade around Cuba to force them to eliminate the missiles.

17 Berlin Airlift Send food and supplies by planes to West Berlin.

18 United Nations Created to maintain peace

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