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7. Further developments to improve the IT tools

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1 7. Further developments to improve the IT tools
Workshop on Structured Information and Implementation Frameworks (SIIF) in Slovenia concerning Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (91/271/EEC) 7. Further developments to improve the IT tools Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning – Ljubljana 27 Jan. 2015 Benoît Fribourg-blanc & Laurence Guédet Office International de l’Eau

2 UWWTD SIIF work: The way forward (2015)
A framework contract to support DGENV on Water Industry Directives: 2013: A specific contract “Towards a modern information system for the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (91/271/EEC)” 2014: A specific contract “Expanding the Urban Wastewater Structured Information and Implementation Framework (SIIF)” 2015: A specific contract “Expanding the Urban Wastewater Structured Information and Implementation Framework (SIIF)” Improvement of the UWWTD SIIF IT toolbox Extension of the UWWTD SIIF IT toolbox to 4 new Member States Support to all the 7 MS for the reporting under the 9th reporting exercise

3 Improvements to the toolbox: The situation
The toolbox: a website + a web services module For Slovenia (+CY +LT) version 1 transferred February-March 2015 Each pilot MS will: Translate in national language Link to existing national systems Identify specific adjustments 4 new countries will implement in 2015 (RO, BG, IT ?) New needs from all 7 MSs, from financers (World Bank?, …) Improvements of current functions Addition of information (Art17, economic data…)

4 Improvements to the toolbox: first steps
A set of new functionalities identified: Online generated reports and printing facilities, Improved QA/QC routines (tests + draft compliance) New possibilities with dynamic maps (other national data), SIIF platforms for sub-national level (visualisation) New process for UWWTD official reporting From specification to development Implementation of current toolbox for the 4 new pilot MSs Identification of users needs (interview, specification document, webuser college) Proposals for each pilot MS Development on the generic toolbox Implementation on each pilot MS platform Feedback and bugs fixing

5 Improvements to the toolbox: online reports
Selection from the map Selection using criteria Online report Map Graph Table Export functions

6 Improvements to the toolbox: printing facilities
Exported picture A screenshot Title date A layout Sources, logos

7 Improvements to the toolbox: graphs in fiches
Article 17 information Graph

8 Extension of the UWWTD SIIF IT toolbox to 4 new MSs
Tasks and first steps: Survey on INSPIRE implementation in EU28 MS Survey of EU28 MS websites Survey to national INSPIRE experts The Toolbox for 4 new MSs current toolbox and 7th and 8th reporting dataset Survey and specification of functionalities 9th reporting Need to have the Data collection template and process to be defined in July Lessons learnt at the end of 2015 will cover extension to other Directives

9 Conclusion A collaborative work: crucial for the success !!!
A platform common to 7 MSs will ease the update/improvements Open source softwares: no license, improvements and new functionalities possible Administration guide for maintenance FAQ and bug tracker Today Workshop: an important step for Improvement of the toolbox Feedback on implemented system Specific needs

10 Thank you Contacts : Benoît Fribourg-Blanc: Laurence Guédet: 10

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