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Presentation on theme: "Atmosphere."— Presentation transcript:

1 Atmosphere

2 Earth’s atmosphere is the layer of gases that surrounds Earth.

3 Earth’s atmosphere makes conditions on Earth suitable for living things.

4 It contains oxygen and other gases that you and other living things need to live.

5 It keeps the Earth warm enough for living things to live.

6 It keeps most of Earth’s surface warm enough for water to exist as a liquid.

7 It protects living things from dangerous radiation from the sun.

8 It prevents Earth from being hit by most meteoroids, or chunks of rock from outer space

9 What gases are in the atmosphere?

10 Nitrogen makes up about 78% of the air we breathe.

11 All organisms, including you, need nitrogen to grow & repair body cells

12 Oxygen is the second most abundant gas in the atmosphere. (21%)

13 Plants and animals take oxygen from the air and use it to turn food into energy

14 Fuel needs oxygen to burn

15 The other 1% of the atmosphere is made up of trace (very small) amounts of other gases

16 Carbon dioxide is essential to life
Carbon dioxide is essential to life. Plants must have it to produce food.

17 Water vapor is also present in the air
Water vapor is also present in the air. The amount of water varies greatly from place to place and time to time

18 Air is also full of tiny particles of solids: dust, smoke, salt, and other chemicals.

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