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Plymouth Mental Health Network Meeting

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1 Plymouth Mental Health Network Meeting
Thursday 9th March 2017, 1pm-4pm Morice Baptist Church

2 Network Finances Awards for all - £9718.78
Devon community foundation - £1850

3 You Said … We Did … Media/internet presence
Understand commissioning priorities/information Partnership working Know what members do Shape local developments Be inclusive Comments in press and new social media sites Meeting updates, involved in system design process Meetings create links, sub groups planned Members update at meetings Work on local action plans, reps on strategic groups, surveys, Worked on membership

4 There are opportunities for …
The next 12 months … You asked for … Outcomes and impact Funding information and fundraising skills More partnership opportunities Project management skills Engagement techniques Safeguarding updates and support There are opportunities for … Sustainability transformation plan Integrated Personal Commissioning for MH MH procurement Prevention concordat and focus Health and wellbeing hubs New crisis response service THRIVE

5 Creative Solutions Forum
Multiagency response to complex cases Last resort for complex clients with multiple needs Network Chair has a seat on the forum 3 month pilot and 6 monthly meetings to date Role for the network Referral to the forum Originally used in childrens safeguarding cases, model where key providers, commissioners and safeguarding meet to discuss cases referred. It was recognised that for many people with complex needs (MH, substance misuse, homeless, offending) , we are not always getting it right and there is a need for a different way of considering cases whereby professionals brainstorm options and have authority to make those things happen. Although compelx needs licked it off…not just for those clients. The idea is that referrals will help us address where the system isn’t getting it right for individuals. Organisations can refer but should have tried all risk management and multiagency procedures before doing so. They need to show they have tried everything and exhausted all their options. Referrals also hope to have the individuals agreement and wishes. As part of a multiagency approach the network was offered a seat as a link to the wider offer of network members. Clear that I couldn’t represent or agree to anything on behalf of network members but could provide a link where needed. Pilot ran july –sept time 2016 and monthly meetings have continued. I have attended the majority and Claire has deputised where possible. Each meeting considers 3 cases and any follow up on previous cases seen. We reflected on this at a recent meeting. Cases that come to the forum have urgent primary needs (lots of people who are sleeping rough and using substances and physical health problems and not engaging with services). Reasons for referral are often that key teams in specialist services aren’t working together effectively enough or there are eligibility criteria working against each other. Predominantly the response so far has been about Housing and health working together to minimise some very big risks to people. Role of the network – add value when those primary needs have been met, and the individual is able to engage. That might happen more as cases are revisited and I will be able to alert the network to whats wanted and then hopefully there may be a member who can offer something , link into the package of care. Now that the pilot is ended there is the opportunity for any agency big or small to refer in as long a they can show they have tried everything. Will put on network website copies of Terms of guidance and referral form…copies on table. Any questions drop me an

6 Crisis Care Advanced Statement of Wishes Wellbeing Action Plan
For people who use services ‘What I would like in the event of crisis….’ Recognised by mental health services / CQC Wellbeing Action Plan Work of MH and employment sub group ‘What you need to know and how we can manage a crisis….’ ASW – Lead by HeadsCount, based on national practice Not to be confused with advanced directive (legal document) Respecting individuals wishes of what they would like to happen when they become unwell (covers who to tell what to, pets, preferences, diet, likes, dislikes) Now on system One used by MH teams and forms part of the way they work Process of completing is empowering and responsible for their journey Network – support implementation – check people have them, offer them, support to complete, link to HeadsCount, copy on network website. Employee passport – Employment and MH was a priority for many strategies including network whole life whole system and local commissioning, needs assessments etc. Developed by the MH employment subgroup (Claire leading) Helping employers to understand triggers, affects and wishes of staff if their MH is affected. Management plan for times of crisis Guidance and forms available and agreed…..Copies on website

7 Mental Health Awareness week – survive to Thrive
Monday – Recovery and Optimism Tuesday – prevention and Promotion Wednesday – Signposting and Access Thursday – Reducing Stigma Friday – Children and Young People Commissioning leading on a coordinated approach that will showcase good work, raise profile of MH, agencies and issues and Network – Stories and experiences? Editorial and press coverage Promotion of services and awareness week events Articles around the themed days? Use awareness week local campaign to badge activities, promote on website, social media etc Some already getting involved – street factory flash mob! PR campaign / promoting services & events / personal stories / employers / education / celebrity endorsement / MP support /

8 World Mental Health Day – Livewell Arts Festival
City wide Arts Trail celebrating MH Multiagency events Launch on 10th October 17 Currently linking up venues and organisations (end Mar 17) PR campaign and positive messages

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