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Daily Agenda 9/17/18 English II.

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1 Daily Agenda 9/17/18 English II

2 Objective- I can determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text M1,U1,L2 DO NOW: Hand in your entrance ticket and any of the assignments that are currently due. Place these items on my desk. Take a copy of the poem "The Passionate Shepherd To His Love” and the text vocabulary off of the sidebar. Punch holes in the documents if you need for storage in a binder. Write down our new objective(above) and underline the skill(s) we are going to be working on. Get back with your partner from yesterday’s class and be ready to share out with the class.

3 Poetry Vocabulary A stanza is “a group of lines in a poem, separated by spaces from other stanzas, much like a paragraph in prose.” A couplet is “two lines of poetry, one after the other, that rhyme and are of the same length and rhythm.” An end rhyme is “rhyming words at the ends of the lines of a poem.” A rhyme scheme is “the pattern of end rhymes in a poem.”

4 Text Vocabulary prove (v.) – to learn or find out by experience
steepy (adj.) – steep yields (v.) – bears or brings forth as a natural product especially as a result of cultivation kirtle (n.) – long gown or dress worn by women myrtle (n.) – type of small tree that has sweet-smelling white or pink flowers and black berries swains (n.) – male admirers or suitors.” posies (n.) – small bunches of flowers

5 Poem Questions Consider the title of Marlowe’s poem. From whose point of view is this poem being told, and who is the intended audience?   What does the speaker invite the listener to do? What does the speaker promise the listener in return? From where will all the “pleasures” (line 2) come? What do all of these places have in common? What connection does Marlowe develop in lines 1–8 between these “pleasures” (line 2) and the speaker’s relationship with his love?

6 Homework How are the lines of “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love” organized? Consider how the text looks on the page and how it sounds when read aloud.

7 The Passionate Shepherd Tool
Directions: Complete the first column of the tool by identifying and recording the gifts that the speaker promises the listener in lines 9–18. Complete the second column of the tool by identifying and recording the material(s) from which each of these “pleasures” (line 2) is made. Finally,discuss your observations to the questions on the bottom of your tool. Remember to use specific details from the text to complete the chart and to record your observations in the spaces provided. Lines What pleasure(s) does the speaker promise the listener in lines 9–18? From what are these gifts created? 9–10 11–12 13–14 15–16 17–18

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