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Persuasion and Propaganda Week 2

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1 Persuasion and Propaganda Week 2
Instead of HW

2 Monday, May 1st Use the following words to fill in the blanks below. Write out the whole statement. propaganda author’s bias argument persuasive appeal counterargument 1. __________________An argument opposed to your thesis, or part of your thesis. It expresses the view of a person who disagrees with your position. 2. __________________ Methods used to convince people to agree with a position

3 propaganda author’s bias argument persuasive appeal counterargument
Tuesday May 2nd Use the following words to fill in the blanks below. Write out the whole statement. propaganda author’s bias argument persuasive appeal counterargument 3. __________________An inability or unwillingness of an author to look at all sides of an issue 4. __________________Attempts to influence ideas or opinions dishonestly using faulty reasoning or other persuasive appeals

4 Wednesday, May 3rd Write the following Greek word and it’s explanation. Then write an example. Pathos- emotional appeal Logos- rational appeal Kairos- urgent appeal Ethos- ethical appeal

5 United Airlines Incident
What do you know about the United Airlines incident? What do you think about the passenger and the airline? passenger-who-was-dragged-off-plane/ After watching the video, read Mike Rowe’s response. Now, respond to Mike Rowe. Use one of the persuasive appeals in your response. Pathos- emotional appeal Logos- rational appeal Kairos- urgent appeal Ethos- ethical appeal

6 Thursday, May 4th Use the following words to fill in the blanks below. Write out the whole statement. Pathos Ethos Logos Kairos 5. __________________ making readers trust the writer and believe that his/her position is the ”right thing to do”. May include references to community, family, home, parenthood, religious or spiritual beliefs, character, responsibility, public service, or people who the audience looks up to. May also include proving oneself as a credible person 6. __________________appeals to the head rather than the heart with the use of logic, facts, or other types of hard evidence

7 Friday, May 5th Use the following words to fill in the blanks below. Write out the whole statement. pathos ethos logos kairos 7. __________________ drawing on the emotional responses from people (fear, anger, happiness) to move people to do something 8. __________________ appeal stating that if you do not act now, it will be too late

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