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Current DAPS Status EUV contains 3.3 gb in observations

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1 Current DAPS Status EUV contains 3.3 gb in 28456 observations
FUV contains 3.4 gb in observations HDAC contains 165 mb in observations HSP contains 1.0 gb in 1069 observations DAPS3 has been released (after substantial feedback from Alain).

2 PDS Status COUVIS_0013 (2005-xxx…2005-365) delivered on Oct 1, 2005
COUVIS_0014 ( ) delivered on Jan 1, 2006

3 PDS Open Issues DAPS Open Issues
Regenerating all PDS labels due to start time/geometry error. Resubmitted all HSP DAT files due to redundant initial data record DAPS Open Issues Time zone locale bug cause problems when browser local is non-US (German) Proposal to use PDS format rather than NetCDF when downloading data.

4 DAPS PDS Formatted Data Files
Obtain IDL template files (once) Obtain (once) Download data in PDS format using File->Save->Uncalibrated->PDS… Use IDL to invoke pds_reader specifying the data file name and returning the same data and desc structures as returned by feuv_reader, etc. Multi-window observations produce a data struct for each window as opposed to invoking pds_reader for distinct window files

5 PDS Format Rationale Validation of PDS labels/data.
Eliminates dependence on 3rd party NetCDF code (IDL and UCAR libraries). Increased compatibility with PDS users.

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