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8th Quality Conference Session 11:1

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1 8th Quality Conference Session 11:1
Swedish experiences of outsourcing – an analysis Peter Ehn Luxembourg, 2 October 2015

2 Why this study? A large proportion of Sweden’s public services are delivered by private sector providers Lack of comprehensive analysis of the outsourcing of state core activities

3 The Swedish model Collective decision-making in Government
A dual central administration Self-governing regional and local authories responsible for fundamental welfare services

4 Our research questions
What does the research say about outsourcing? Why do agencies outsource? What are the consequences for the state?

5 Five questions for those who consider outsourcing of core activities
What is to be outsourced and why? Is there a risk of other values being jeopardised if the outsourcing is mainly planned for financial reasons? What does outsourcing mean internally for the agency/ministry unit? What demands does the outsourcing place on governance? How do we safeguard our own expertise when outsourcing?

6 Consequences for the state
A changed state … but also a changed private sector And what happens to the civil servant?

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