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Hess’s Law Chapter 11 part four.

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1 Hess’s Law Chapter 11 part four

2 Law of Conservation of Energy
In a chemical or physical reaction, Energy is neither gained nor lost. So where does it go? Energy can change forms.

3 Hess’s law is about where the Energy goes.
Did you know that diamonds are pure carbon? Did you know that graphite (the lead in pencils) is also pure carbon? The difference in their appearance is due to the difference in their bonding. The different types of bonds have different energies stored in them.

4 Graphite is more stable than Diamond
C (diamond) C (graphite) This conversion takes millions of years, but it is a spontaneous reaction. We can indirectly find the energy difference in the bonds of these two compounds.


6 Backdrops: - These are full sized backdrops, just scale them up!
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