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Industrial Development in the USA

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1 Aim: Identify the effects of Industrialization on the rest of the world

2 Industrial Development in the USA
Britain’s favorable geography & its financial systems, political stability, & natural resources sparking industrialization United States possessed the same resources and experienced much industrial growth in 1800’s America had fast-flowing rivers & rich deposits of coal & iron ore Supply of laborers made up of farm workers & immigrants Railroads played a major role Required great deal of money Entrepreneurs sold stock & became owners in corporations- Business owned by stockholders 2

3 Continental Europe Industrializes
Belgium led Europe in adopting Britain’s new technology Had rich deposits of iron ore & coal as well as fine waterways for transportation Germany was politically divided in 1800’s Economic isolation & scattered resources hampered countrywide industrialization Pockets of industrialization appeared in the coal rich Ruhr Valley Germany built railroads that linked growing manufacturers cities such as Frankfurt with the Ruhr Valley Industrialization during the 1800’s proceeded by region rather by country Many Europeans did not industrialize 3

4 The Impact of Industrialization
Industrial Revolution shifted the world balance of power Increased competition between industrialized nations & poverty in less-developed countries Industrialization widened the wealth gap between the industrialized and non-industrialized countries Industrialized countries required a steady supply of raw materials from less-developed lands Viewed poor countries as markets for manufactured products Imperialism: Policy of extending one country’s rule over many other lands, gave more power and wealth to the already wealthy 4

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