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Presentation on theme: "Tributary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tributary

2 Delta

3 Alluvial Fan

4 Drainage Basin

5 Drainage Basins or watersheds are separated by
high elevations


7 Mississippi River Drainage Basin

8 Stream Velocity


10 Gradient or Slope

11 Discharge

12 Channel






18 River and Glacial Valleys
River Valley Glaciated Valley

19 Floodplain


21 Stages of River/Stream

22 The Ideal Stream Cycle (W.M. Davis, 1880)
Not a Literal Time Sequence Youth Maturity Old Age Rejuvenation  

23 Youth V-Shaped Valley Fast Current Pot holes common Rapids Waterfalls
No Flood Plain Drainage Divides Broad and Flat, Undissected by Erosion Valley Being Deepened General Agreement on this stage, lots of examples Youth

24 Maturity (Early) V-Shaped Valley Beginnings of Flood Plain
Sand and Gravel Bars Sharp Divides Relief Reaches Maximum Valleys stop deepening General Agreement on this stage, lots of examples

25 Maturity (Late) Valley has flat bottom Narrow Flood Plain
Divides begin to round off Relief diminishes Sediment builds up, flood plain widens River begins to meander Many geologists believe slopes stay steep but simply retreat. Maturity (Late)

26 Old Age Land worn to nearly flat surface (peneplain)
Resistant rocks remain as erosional remnants (monadnocks) Shallow gradient Slow current Rivers meander across extremely wide, flood plains Ox bow lakes Levees Deltas Old Age

27 Rejuvenation Some change causes stream to speed up and cut deeper.
Uplift of Land Lowering of Sea Level Greater stream flow Stream valley takes on youthful characteristics but retains features of older stages as well. Can happen at any point in the cycle.

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