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Figure 1 Management of acute ischaemic stroke after ICA-T occlusion

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1 Figure 1 Management of acute ischaemic stroke after ICA-T occlusion
Figure 1 | Management of acute ischaemic stroke after ICA-T occlusion. Intravenous thrombolysis was initiated before angiography. a | CT perfusion shows a large ischaemic penumbra in the left MCA territory. Red indicates a completed infarct, green indicates tissue that could be salvaged with rapid recanalization and reperfusion. b | CT angiography 3D reconstruction shows lack of contrast flow through the left MCA and left ICA intracranially, consistent with occlusion of the left ICA-T. Arrows and arrowheads indicate the patent right MCA and ICA, respectively. c | Cerebral angiography confirms persistent occlusion of the left ICA-T. d | A stent retriever is deployed within the MCA and ICA-T. Arrows indicate the radiopaque proximal and distal ends of the stent; its body is radiolucent. The stent causes apposition of the clot against the vessel wall and rapidly re-establishes blood flow through the previously occluded vessel segment; a temporary endovascular bypass. e | Withdrawal of the stent retriever completely removes the clot, resulting in recanalization of the left ACA and MCA. f | Stent retriever with a large clot inside. Arrows indicate the radiopaque markers shown in part d. ACA, anterior cerebral artery; ICA, internal carotid artery; ICA-T, ICA terminus; MCA, middle cerebral artery. Mokin, M. et al. (2015) Randomized trials of endovascular therapy for stroke — impact on stroke care Nat. Rev. Neurol. doi: /nrneurol

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