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The Ch. 11 Review Pyramid Type the name of your unit here.

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Presentation on theme: "The Ch. 11 Review Pyramid Type the name of your unit here."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Ch. 11 Review Pyramid Type the name of your unit here.
This game differs from all the others because here the teacher doesn’t create the questions, their created by the students on the spot. You only provide key words and the students are told that they must create the clues for their partner to answer correctly. This game requires the least amount of time to prepare and often has the greatest result in terms of class participation and fun. Each team alternated in choosing categories, each having seven words. The cluegivers then had to communicate the words to their partner within 30 seconds; the cluegiver could say or do anything he/she needed to get his/her partner to say the word, except say all or part of the word itself. Each team earned one point per word guessed, while a team could not score on words that were passed (though the player could score if he/she thought of it later; plus, Clark sometimes allowed a team to come back to a word if a win or tie score was at stake, without using any new clues). Any time all or part of a word was said, the famous Pyramid cuckoo would hoot and the clue was disqualified. Play continued until all words were played or time ran out. Winners' Circle. No pressure here. Just try to guess six categories of things having something in common in 60 seconds, that's all.

2 Game Rules Teams divided into groups
One partner has their back to the TV Other partner faces them while looking at the TV When the answer is given on the TV the sender begins giving clues PASS if you don’t know that answer There are 7 questions per round We will be playing 5 rounds Team with the highest total moves onto the Final Round You can edit these to fit your needs. I like to have the class divide into several teams which allows for the terms to be presented more than once. This way the rest of the class can hear several students try to give clues for the same word. While each 2 person group plays the others who will play need to step outside.

3 Each team must now choose their first two contestants
Each team must now choose their first two contestants. First group step up to the front, other groups step outside.

4 Round 1

5 1st Agricultural Revolution

6 Tertiary Sector

7 Commercial Agriculture

8 Von Thünen Model

9 Agribusiness

10 Luxury Crops

11 Metes-and-Bounds Once you’ve reached here with the first team click on the pyramid in the right corner to go back to the start of the round.

12 Now two NEW contestants from each group

13 Round 2

14 GMOs

15 Coffee

16 Mediterranean Agriculture

17 Quinary Sector

18 Intensive Agriculture

19 2nd Agricultural Revolution

20 Köppen Once you’ve reached here with the first team click on the pyramid in the right corner to go back to the start of the round.

21 Round 3

22 Round 3

23 Township and Range

24 Columbian Exhchange

25 Plantation Agriculture

26 Dairying Regions

27 Green Revolution

28 Shifting Cultivation

29 Rundling Once you’ve reached here with the first team click on the pyramid in the right corner to go back to the start of the round.

30 Round 4

31 Longlot Survey

32 Dispersed Settlement Pattern

33 Primary Sector

34 Seed Drill

35 Papua New Guinea

36 Slash-and-Burn Agriculture

37 Subsistence Agriculture
Once you’ve reached here with the first team click on the pyramid in the right corner to go back to the start of the round.

38 Round 5

39 Vegetative Domestication

40 Secondary Sector

41 Guns, Germs, and Steel

42 Organic Agriculture

43 European lending agencies

44 Monsanto

45 Opium Once you’ve reached here with the first team click on the pyramid in the right corner to go back to the start of the round.

46 Winner’s Circle

47 Your team needs 5 out of 6 to win!!!
Choose your 2 contestants ? ?


49 Animal Domestication

50 100

51 Cotton Production Regions

52 100 100

53 Guatemalan Agrarian Movement

54 100 100 100

55 Transportation Costs

56 100 100 100 100

57 Colonial “modernization” of agriculture

58 100 100 100 100 100

59 Extensive Agriculture

60 100,000 100 100 100 100 100


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