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Analysis of proximity effects in S/N/F and F/S/F junctions

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1 Analysis of proximity effects in S/N/F and F/S/F junctions
Han-Yong Choi Na-Young Lee / SKKU Hyeonjin Doh / Toronto Kookrin Char / SNU KIAS workshop ~

2 Superconductivity (S) vs. Ferromagnetism (F)
SKKU condensed-matter theory group

3 SKKU condensed-matter theory group
Proximity effect F N S SKKU condensed-matter theory group

4 SKKU condensed-matter theory group
Plan I. Introduction to proximity effect. S/N, S/F. II. S/N/F. Issues of SNU data. III. Usadel equation. Odd triplet pairing. Results. IV. F/S/F. V. Summary and outlook. SKKU condensed-matter theory group

5 I. Introduction S/N bilayers: 1960’s. [de Gennes, Rev. Mod. Phys. (’64)] Tc/Tc,S dPb (nm) dCu (nm) S N Y xCu ~ 40 nm [Werthamer, Phys.Rev. (’63)] For SKKU condensed-matter theory group

6 SKKU condensed-matter theory group
S/F bilayers: 1980’s & 90’s S F 0-state p-state Min Tc vs. dF SKKU condensed-matter theory group

7 Origin of oscillations
U K 2h S F x h S F dirty limit (oscillation suppressed). SKKU condensed-matter theory group

8 SKKU condensed-matter theory group
II. S/N/F trilayers Expectations: only one length scale in N. S N F Y Tc dN SN SNF Experiments: “surprises” two more length scales. SKKU condensed-matter theory group

9 SKKU condensed-matter theory group
1. Short length SKKU condensed-matter theory group

10 SKKU condensed-matter theory group
2. Intermediate length SKKU condensed-matter theory group

11 SKKU condensed-matter theory group
Au & Cu SKKU condensed-matter theory group

12 Another way of looking at the short length
superconductor normal metal ferromagnetic metal dN = 3 nm dS = 23 nm dF = 10 nm dF = 10 nm dF = 10 nm dS = 23 nm dS = 26 nm Which has the highest Tc? SKKU condensed-matter theory group

13 SKKU condensed-matter theory group
How to understand? 1. Obvious/mundane explanation. Bad interfaces. higher interface resistance higher Tc. But, interface resistance bet metals are similar. Oscillations in Tc vs. dF. 2. More exotic explanation. From new physics like triplet pairing? Inhomogeneous exchange fields are predicted to induce enhanced superconductivity by spin triplet excitations. [Rusanov et al, PRL (2004), Bergeret et al, PRL (2001), …]. SKKU condensed-matter theory group

14 SKKU condensed-matter theory group
Nb/Au/Co60Fe40 SKKU condensed-matter theory group

15 Two options to understand the short length scale (~ 2 nm)
SKKU condensed-matter theory group

16 SKKU condensed-matter theory group
Triplet? SKKU condensed-matter theory group

17 SKKU condensed-matter theory group
III. Usadel formalism S N F x z O Usadel equation SKKU condensed-matter theory group

18 Self-consistency relation
Boundary conditions Self-consistency relation S N F x z O Boundary modeled by Boundary conditions. SKKU condensed-matter theory group

19 SKKU condensed-matter theory group
Odd triplet pairing? Antisymmetry requirement (at t1=t2): F changes sign under For Odd frequency triplet pairing. SKKU condensed-matter theory group

20 SKKU condensed-matter theory group
Solution: by extending the Green’s function method of Fominov et al, PRB 2002. SKKU condensed-matter theory group

21 SKKU condensed-matter theory group
Solution The basic idea is to solve the homogeneous equations with appropriate boundary conditions to obtain a single equation for the singlet pairing component , and the boundary conditions in terms of and within the S region. The obtained differential equation is then solved by constructing Green’s function following standard procedure, say, in Arfken. SKKU condensed-matter theory group

22 Triplet pairing in S/N/F
S = conventional s-wave singlet superconductor. Tc determined by the singlet pairing component. Triplet pairing components are induced in addition to the singlet component (via spin-flip scatterings). Triplet components are s-wave (even in k), and odd in frequency. Long length scale. Triplet components change Tc indirectly by changing singlet component via boundary conditions. SKKU condensed-matter theory group

23 Procedures for understanding Tc vs. dN of Nb/Au/CoFe.
Parameters of Usadel equation: (for i = S, N, F), Tc0. hex, (interface) 1. Fit S/F (Nb/CoFe): hex, Tc0. 2. Fit S/N (Nb/Au): 3. Fit S/N/F (Nb/Au/CoFe) to determine SKKU condensed-matter theory group

24 SKKU condensed-matter theory group
Nb/CoFe From S/F, SKKU condensed-matter theory group

25 SKKU condensed-matter theory group
Nb/Au From S/N, SKKU condensed-matter theory group

26 Quantitative analysis S/N/F
From S/N/F, No need to introduce SKKU condensed-matter theory group

27 SKKU condensed-matter theory group
Usadel calculations. By solving the Usadel equation, because S/N/F still has two interfaces (mathematically) in the limit dN 0. Short length scale of ~ 2-3 nm: The length scale over which electrons feel the interface. Not the physical material length. SKKU condensed-matter theory group

28 SKKU condensed-matter theory group
Pairing amplitudes F N S SKKU condensed-matter theory group

29 SKKU condensed-matter theory group
Triplet components F N S SKKU condensed-matter theory group

30 SKKU condensed-matter theory group
2. Intermediate length Could never match the experimental observations of more than one length scales. Intermediate length not understood. SKKU condensed-matter theory group

31 Yamazaki et al.: Nb/Au/Fe (MBE)
Length scale of 2.1 nm. SKKU condensed-matter theory group

32 SKKU condensed-matter theory group
Nb/Au/Co60Fe40 SKKU condensed-matter theory group

33 SKKU condensed-matter theory group
Results for S/N/F It seems that it is the interface resistance that caused the Tc jump (short length scale) on Tc vs. dN for Nb/Au/CoFe. S/F : S/N/F : for continuity. Intermediate length of ~ 20 nm not understood. Oscillations in Tc vs. dF not understood. SKKU condensed-matter theory group

34 SKKU condensed-matter theory group
IV. F/S/F Parallel & antiparallel F S F F S F because the F effect is canceled in antiparallel junctions. Proximity switch device. SKKU condensed-matter theory group

35 SKKU condensed-matter theory group
Gu et al., PRL 2002 You et al., PRB 2004 is much smaller in experiment compared with theoretical calculation. Why? SKKU condensed-matter theory group

36 SKKU condensed-matter theory group
Why? Two F’s are not identical. Triplet components (induced by spin flip scatterings at S/F interfaces). SKKU condensed-matter theory group

37 Triplet pairing components.
Tunneling conductance for FSF. Effects of triplet pairing components. F S SKKU condensed-matter theory group

38 SKKU condensed-matter theory group
Nb/SrRuO3 S F M S F M SKKU condensed-matter theory group

39 SKKU condensed-matter theory group
V. Summary & Outlook No need for triplet pairing components for Nb/Au/CoFe. It is the interface resistance that caused the Tc jump. Short length scale of ~ 2 nm: the length scale over which electrons feel the interface Not the physical material length. Not understood: intermediate length of ~ 20 nm, Tc vs. dF of S/N/F. Tc difference between parallel and antiparallel F’s of F/S/F is reduced by triplet components. Search for the odd-frequency triplet pairing in artificial junctions of S, N, and F. SKKU condensed-matter theory group

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