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Today's Objectives Students will learn how to analyze data and apply it to a graph.

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Presentation on theme: "Today's Objectives Students will learn how to analyze data and apply it to a graph."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today's Objectives Students will learn how to analyze data and apply it to a graph.

2 Today’s Objectives Journals today!!
Do not open containers until instructed! Assess our deer study data. Sat/Sun two sheets each at every pod. Develop and draw two visual from data. Example ( pie chart, bar chart) You must compare two variables for each visual created.

3 Questions for each graph
Why did you choose these two variables to compare. I need two good reasons why. What conclusions can we draw from this data supporting habits of deer. Write down all relevant ideas you can think of!!

4 Big Thanks to…………. Bryce Klang Brandon McCormick Quinton Nienaber

5 Deer Study Results Take 5-6 minutes to write predictions and answer the following questions. What do you expect to see from results? Would you ask other questions?

6 Questions from survey Please answer the following questions on Saturday November, 5th 2011 How many deer did you see total this day? Deer seen sunrise to 11:59 a.m. ________ 12:00 p.m. to sunset _______ How many deer shot in your party? Buck______ Doe______ Yearling____ What type of vegetation cover were you hunting over? (circle all that apply) swamp tillable field meadow deciduous trees coniferous trees tall grass hay field lake river standing corn Time of day your deer was harvested? (Please circle) 6-8 am am am pm pm pm Circle all that apply for weather patterns that day? sunny partly sunny cloudy partly cloudy fog windy rain sleet snow Number of hunters in party?________ What zone are you hunting?_________ Rifle, shotgun or bow? (Circle) Compare 2011 to 2010 deer seen? more b. less c. same Why/comment:

7 Deer Seen A.M/P.M. Saturday Sunday

8 Deer shot in party

9 Vegetation Cover

10 Deer shot Sat./Sun.

11 Time of day deer were shot Sat./Sun.

12 Deer shot by hour

13 Hunters vs. Deer Shot Success Rate 37%

14 Weapon

15 Number of deer seen compared to 2010

16 Reflection Would you present questions differently? Why? How?
Are these the results you expected? 37% is this what your predicted for success rate? What did you expect?


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