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Environmental Ethics Do other animals have rights? Do we have duties and obligations to them? Or are they simply there to be used however we see fit.?

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Ethics Do other animals have rights? Do we have duties and obligations to them? Or are they simply there to be used however we see fit.?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Ethics Do other animals have rights? Do we have duties and obligations to them? Or are they simply there to be used however we see fit.? Does the non-living environment have rights? Or is the Environment only worthy of moral concern insofar as it affects living creatures? Or maybe even only insofar as it affects us? Do we have any obligations to future genearations?

2 Aristotle and Virtue Ethics
It’s not so much about doing the right thing; rather, it’s about being a person of good character. Not “thou shalt not do X,” but “what kind of person of you? What qualities are you acting from and developing in yourself?

3 The “only humans matter” arguments
P1: To be a subject of moral concern, you have to be a part of the moral community P2: To be a part of the moral community you must a) recognize that, and b) assert it. P3: The vast majority of animals cannot do either P4: non-living nature cannot do either C: So, most animals and all non-living nature are not part of the moral community

4 The Practical argument
P1: If we ruin the environment we will cause harm to ourselves and other living beings P2: It is wrong to harm ourselves and other living beings C: So, it is wrong to ruin the environment

5 Global Warming

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