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CEOS GEO Reporting and GEO-XV Plenary Preparations

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1 CEOS GEO Reporting and GEO-XV Plenary Preparations
Committee on Earth Observation Satellites CEOS GEO Reporting and GEO-XV Plenary Preparations Kerry Ann Sawyer, NOAA CEOS SIT Chair Team Alex Held, CSIRO, CEOS SIT Vice Chair Steven Hosford, CNES/ESA CEO CEOS Plenary 2018 Agenda Item #4.2 Brussels, Belgium 17 – 18 October 2018

2 Overview GEO Programme Board – CEOS Report – Kerry
GEO Executive Committee – CEOS Report – Alex GEO-XV Plenary – 29 Oct to 1 Nov, Kyoto, Japan – Steven CEOS Delegation, Booth, and Side Events CEOS Interventions for Plenary – Review Agenda CEOS Written Statement to GEO-XV Plenary – For Discussion Discussion – All

3 GEOSS Satellite Earth Observation Resources – Foundational Task
This cross-cutting task aims to ensure the long-term availability of the sustained, coordinated, comprehensive satellite Earth observation data that is a critical component of GEOSS and a key enabler of current and future GEO Community Activities, Initiatives, and Flagships. Specify, develop, launch, operate and coordinate space missions to provide new observations, sustain critical time-series, and fill or minimize spatial or temporal gaps in the satellite observations required to support sustained production of fundamental variable sets as defined through the GEO requirements and analysis processes. Promote the development and implementation of technologies and the uptake of best practices to enhance space data access in support of the evolution of the GEOSS, particularly focusing on enhanced access to space data via the GCI. Support broader GEO efforts to promote EO by providing evidence of the unique, and complementary, value of satellite data to successful delivery of major regional and global initiatives. Coordinate increased interoperability among space data infrastructures and develop integrated global and regional space datasets that support validated and prioritized requirements identified through GEO processes Identify and coordinate the necessary actions for the protection of the radiofrequency bands necessary to ensure proper operation of EO instruments.

4 GEO Programme Board – CEOS Report
Committee on Earth Observation Satellites GEO Programme Board – CEOS Report Kerry Ann Sawyer, NOAA CEOS SIT Chair Team

5 GEO Programme Board Report
CEOS fortunate to be one of sixteen Participating Organizations on GEO Programme Board (PB); have three-year term, expiring November 2019 Kerry Sawyer (NOAA, Principal), Steven Hosford (ESA/CNES, Alternate) David Green (NASA) is CEOS Rep to Sendai Framework Subgroup Jono Ross (GA) is CEOS Rep to Sustainable Earth Observations Subgroup Kerry Sawyer (NOAA) is CEOS Rep to Work Programme Monitoring Subgroup + Ivan (ESA and PB Co-Chair), Osamu (Japan and PB Co-Chair), Jono (Australia), Marie-Josée (Canada) PB Meetings in January, June, September 2018 – Key Outcomes Request from PB to GEO Executive Committee Members to provide political support with respective governments to ensure update of Earth observations in reporting of commitments to Paris Agreement, Sendai, and Sustainable Development Goal Agenda. Established Sustainable Earth Observations Subgroup to focus on both satellite and in situ EO resources and evaluate strengths and weaknesses of robust observing system for GEO Organized June Paris Climate Agreement Workshop Plus 16 Member Representatives = 32 total Members/POs in PB Function of the PB s to support the ongoing development and implementation of the GEO Strategic Plan : Implementing GEOSS through multi-year GEO Work Programmes

6 GEO Programme Board Report Key Outcomes – con’t
Assessment and proposal on Regional GEOSS  Regional GEO Initiatives Monitoring GEO Work Programme implementation, specifically with respect to Flagships and Initiatives; proposed Programme Board (PB) Terms of Reference are broadened to also include monitoring of Community Activities and Foundational Tasks PB working with GEO Secretariat and GEOSS-EVOLVE Initiative in developing recommendations for shaping the future of GEOSS Strategy of Results-oriented GEOSS Working with the Expert Advisory Group Planning for development of GEO Work Programme (GWP); identify recommendations for how the 2020 GWP can help support the engagement priorities, based on engagement with relevant GWP activities. CEOS Representatives conclusion of the 2018 Programme Board (PB) – PB provides opportunity for substantive discussion on how to implement GEO and GEOSS and prepare for a more results-oriented GEOSS.

7 GEO Executive Committee – CEOS Report
Committee on Earth Observation Satellites GEO Executive Committee – CEOS Report Alex Held, GA, CEOS SIT Vice Chair

8 GEO Executive Committee (ExCom) Report
Alex Held (CSIRO, SIT Vice Chair) – CEOS Observer to the GEO Executive Committee Supported by Kerry Sawyer (NOAA, SIT Chair Team) ExComs held in October (x2) 2017, March, and July Lead Co-Chair of ExCom changed in October from Robert-Jan Smits/European Union to Steve Volz/United States Lead Co-Chair identified five goals for 2018: Continue to achieve results on GEO engagement priorities Implement the commercial sector engagement strategy Strengthen the GEO membership base Engage international development agencies and multilateral development banks Mobilize resources for the GEO Secretariat

9 GEO Executive Committee (ExCom) Report – con’t
Endorsed the proposed Plan of Action of the GEO Secretariat Director’s Realizing the Vison of a Results-Oriented GEOSS Strategy and proposed that the strategy identify how the GEOSS Platform (formerly known as the GEOSS Common Infrastructure – GCI) can develop into a knowledge hub in connection with existing structures Approved establishment of the Expert Advisory Group to advise the GEO Secretariat Director Agreed to propose a new GEO Associate category in which commercial sector firms, national associations of commercial sector firms, non- governmental, non-profit organizations with a national or sub-national mandate would be eligible to participate in GEO. Created a Subgroup on Participating Organization Engagement Concluded that GEO will propose that Regional GEOSSes become Regional GEOs – will be presented to GEO-XV Plenary in two weeks The Subgroup on Participating Organization engagement is tasked with reviewing current rules for participation in GEO by POs; reviewing recent engagement of POs in GEO; assessing results of analysis of PO engagement and propose options for improving engagement, including a possible review of PO status; and proposing changes to the Rules of Procedure to implement the Subgroup’s recommendations, as required.

10 GEO Executive Committee (ExCom) Report – con’t
Commenced planning for GEO-XVI and Ministerial for November (Canberra…in Australia)  Will discuss major goals/themes for ministerial and established a Ministerial Working Group Important to identify minister-level items of interest to address at the Ministerial to ensure that Ministers are interested and engaged in GEO Mobilizing more resources and investments are important but need to think about specific items

11 CEOS Preparations for GEO-XV Plenary
Committee on Earth Observation Satellites CEOS Preparations for GEO-XV Plenary Steven Hosford, CNES/ESA CEO

12 GEO-XV Plenary 29 Oct to 1 Nov, Kyoto, Japan
CEOS Delegation Pham Anh Tuan – Head of Delegation Kerry Sawyer – Alternate Head of Delegation Steven Hosford Brian Killough Many CEOS-friendly participants as members of other National and PO delegations CEOS Booth Brian Killough (many thanks to Brian, NASA, and SEO) CEOS Side Events 30 Oct (Tues) Applying the Open Data Cube Technology to the Sustainable Development Goals– Jono Ross 30 Oct (Tues) – Earth Observations for Disaster Risk Reduction; WGDisasters

13 GEO-XV Plenary Week Schedule

14 CEOS Interventions/ GEO-XV Agenda
Request of CEOS Plenary to allow CEOS Delegation to intervene at their discretion, understanding no commitments will be made on behalf of CEOS or CEOS Agencies. Session 1 – Opening Session Session 2 – Earth observations in support of the Sustainable Development Goals Panel Overview of GEO’s activities in supporting SDGs Provide a view of holders of policy mandates and end-users that are either currently benefiting or potentially benefiting from these efforts Session 3 – Earth observations in support of the Paris Agreement Panel Several GEO activities support the international agenda in climate focused on mitigation while there is great potential for Earth observations to also support climate adaptation and activities that limit loss and damage. This panel may provide ideas relating to information products useful for climate impact assessments. Refer to WGClimate Report Statement of Space Agency Contributions in Support of the Paris Agreement Session 4 – Broadening Engagement – Regional Initiatives and GEO Associates

15 CEOS Interventions/ GEO-XV Agenda – con’t
Session 5 – GEO Work Programme Session 6 – Scientific Talks International Institute for Applied Systems (IIASA) and JAXA Session 7 – Earth observation in support of the Sendai Framework Panel Assembles policy-makers and users of information from government and the humanitarian sector Overview of how EO is supporting the disaster community during four phases of disaster cycle Session 8 – The Future of GEO Results-oriented GEOSS Session 9 – GEO Business

16 CEOS Statement to GEO-XV
Group on Earth Observations – GEO-XV Plenary, Kyoto, Japan, 31 October-1 November 2018 Statement of Committee on Earth Observation Satellites Text of the written statement is available for review on the CEOS Plenary website Comments are kindly requested by COB CEOS Plenary (end of the day tomorrow)

17 CEOS Statement to GEO-XV
However…Quotes/Testimonials Short quotes (only positive, please!) describing CEOS commitment to GEO and examples of achievements, advances and impact resulting from participation in GEO or towards GEO’s vision (limit number of words) GEO’s vision: To realize a future where decisions and actions, for the benefit of humankind, are informed by coordinated, comprehensive and sustained Earth observation information and services. Include any illustrations related to the quote Attributable – need to provide full name of person stating the quote, title and organization GEO is getting wise to quotes from Steven and Kerry So…Steven and Kerry will entice CEOS Principals with Belgian chocolates to provide a few quotes – to be collected during dinner tonight. Example

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