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2 Introduction A mathematical tool used to the analysis and synthesis of discrete-time control systems: the z transform. The Laplace transform in continuous-time systems. With the z transform method, the solutions to linear difference equations become algebraic in nature. Discrete-Time Signals The sampled signal: x(0), x(T), x(2T),…, where T is the sampling period. If the system involves an iterative process carried out by a digital computer, the signal involved is a number sequence: x(0), x(1), x(2),…. – it can be considered as a sampled signal of x(t) when the sampling period T is 1 sec.

3 The z Transform One-sided z Transform
For most engineering applications the one-sided z transform will have a convenient close-form solution in its region of convergence. The z transform of any continuous-time function may be written in the series form by inspection. The inverse transform can be obtained by inspection if X(z) is given in the series form.

4 z Transforms of Elementary Functions
Unit-Step Function The series converges if Unit step sequence

5 z Transforms of Elementary Functions
Unit-Ramp Function

6 z Transforms of Elementary Functions
Polynomial Function ak Exponential Function

7 z Transforms of Elementary Functions
Sinusoidal Function

8 Important Properties and Theorems of the z Transform
Multiplication by a Constant Linearity of the z Transform

9 Important Properties and Theorems of the z Transform
Multiplication by ak Shifting Theorem

10 Important Properties and Theorems of the z Transform
Shifting Theorem (cont.)

11 Important Properties and Theorems of the z Transform
Example 2-3 Note that z- 1 represents a delay of 1 sampling period T, regardless of the value of T.

12 Important Properties and Theorems of the z Transform
Complex Translation Theorem Initial Value Theorem

13 Important Properties and Theorems of the z Transform
Final Value Theorem

14 Important Properties and Theorems of the z Transform
Example 2-9 Determine the final value x() of

15 The Inverse z Transform
The notation for the inverse z transform is Z-1. The inverse z transform of X(z) yields the corresponding time sequence x(k). Only the time sequence at the sampling instants is obtained from the inverse z transform. The inverse z transform yields a time sequence that specifies the values of x(t) only at discrete instants of time. Many different time functions x(t) can have the same x(kT).

16 The Inverse z Transform
A z transform table: an obvious method for finding the inverse z transform. Table 2-2 Four methods for obtaining the inverse z transform: Direct division method Computational method Partial-fraction-expansion method Inversion integral method

17 The Inverse z Transform
Poles and Zeros in the z Plane The locations of the poles and zeros of X(z) determine the characteristics of x(k), the sequence of values or numbers. We often use a graphical display in the z plane of the locations of the poles and zeros of X(z). poles at z=-1, z=-2 zeros at z=0, z=-0.5

18 The Inverse z Transform
Direct Division Method Example 2-10

19 The Inverse z Transform
Computational Method Consider a system For the Kronecker delta input, X(z) =1 The inverse z transform of G(z) is given by y(0),y(1),y(2),… Two approaches to obtain the inverse transform: MATLAB approach Difference equation approach

20 The Inverse z Transform
Computational Method (cont.) MATLAB approach num=[ ] den=[ ] x=[1 zeros(1,40)] y=filter(num,den,x) y = 0.0001

21 The Inverse z Transform
Computational Method (cont.) MATLAB approach

22 The Inverse z Transform
Computational Method (cont.) Difference Equation Approach for k = -2 for k = -1

23 The Inverse z Transform
Partial-Fraction-Expansion Method Each expanded term has a form that may easily be found from commonly available z transform tables. for simple pole for multiple pole

24 The Inverse z Transform
Partial-Fraction-Expansion Method (cont.) Example 2-14

25 The Inverse z Transform
Inversion Integral Method for a simple pole for a multiple pole

26 The Inverse z Transform
Inversion Integral Method (cont.) Example 2-16 Two simple poles: z=z1=1 and z=z2=e-aT

27 z Transform Method for Solving Difference Equations
The linear time-invariant discrete-time system characterized by the following linear difference equation: Discrete function z Transform

28 z Transform Method for Solving Difference Equations
Example 2-18

29 Concluding Comments The basic theory of the z transform method has been presented. z transform : linear time invariant discrete-time systems Laplace transform: linear time-invariant continuous-time systems With the z transform method, linear time-invariant difference equations can be transformed into algebraic equations. The z transform method allows us to use conventional analysis and design techniques available to analog control systems.

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