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Nerve Impulses.

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1 Nerve Impulses


3 Membrane Potential = difference in electrical charges between inside & outside of neuron

4 http://highered. mheducation

5 Stages of nerve impulse
Resting Stage = nothing happening Depolarization = reversal of charges by Na+ moving in Repolarization = restoring the charges by K+ moving out Sodium/Potassium Pump = restores the resting stage by pumping Na+ back out and K+ back in (Action Potential = depolarization + repolarization)

6 Threshold = minimum level of outside stimulus needed to initiate a nerve impulse

7 Action Potential = nerve impulse = depolarization + repolarization = reversal + restoration of charges

8 Saltatory conduction = impulse “jumps” from node to node (Na+ and K+ gates only at nodes) ~Saltare = latin for “hop” ~Only occurs in neurons with a myelin sheath. ~Makes nerve impulse faster!

9 Nerve Impulse across a synapse (gap between 2 neurons) http://highered


11 Examples of neurotransmitters





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