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Title ID October Count 2006.

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1 Title ID October Count 2006

2 improve academic achievement of neglected or delinquent students
Title ID subpart 2 Federal funding to: improve academic achievement of neglected or delinquent students

3 Calculating Allocations
USDE counts students: residing in locally operated facilities for N or D for 30 consecutive days, one of which must be in October

4 Allocations determined
USDE allocates funding Using number of all neglected or delinquent students in US Determines a per child allocation

5 October Count Count must be submitted to ODE by December 15, 2006
Funding will not be allocated for students unreported in October Count

6 Eligible Facilities A residential facility Within district boundaries
Serving neglected or Delinquent students Academic program provided by district

7 Identifying Neglected Students
Students who are Orphaned Abandoned Removed from home for safety of the child Not in foster care

8 Identifying Delinquent Students
Adjudicated delinquent in need of supervision Not a parental or district placement for treatment

9 Identifying Students Students placed in “after care” by:
State facility for delinquent students Court placement

10 Survey on ODE District webpage Count must be verifiable
Submission of Count Survey on ODE District webpage Count must be verifiable District maintains list of students counted including: Age Reason for placement Evidence of adjudication

11 Further Information ODE Title ID webpage
Text documents accompanying this PowerPoint Includes NCLB law and Guidance Contact – (503)

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