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The Puritans.

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1 The Puritans

2 Quickwrite Review what we have learned about the Puritans so far. How have these early immigrants shaped/changed America? Please write 5-7 thoughtful and complete sentences.

3 Watch the short video: Based on this video how have the early immigrants (The Puritans) shaped America and the lives of those who live(d) here? Add to your quickwrite - how does the information in the video confirm, add, or change what you wrote? BE SPECIFIC!

4 William Bradford ¢”Grew up in England ¢Had no formal higher education
¢Became part of a group of Nonconformists when he was 12 ¢This group fled to Holland in to avoid persecution ¢1620 set sail for the “New World” Source:

5 William Bradford Cont. ¢Landed in Plymouth in December of 1620
¢His wife fell (or jumped) as they approached the “New World” ¢½ the settlers died of cold, disease, and malnutrition that first winter. ¢In the end, many left Plymouth and lost sight of Bradford’s “ideal society”

6 was considered simple and direct
Writing Style - ¢Plain style ¢Now seems difficult but in 1600s it was considered simple and direct ¢No elaborate figures of speech and imagery ¢Style mirrored the way they lived their lives: plain & unadorned

7 Working with Archaic Language
Try to break long sentences down into shorter ones Do a close reading - As always when you work with challenging texts try to use context clues - what is the whole piece about? What is happening in this section? Based on that what might the challenging word or sentence mean? Try paraphrasing what is happening in your own modern day words Your book often has highlighted words in blue or a small blue number next to the word - click on those and the definition will appear.

8 Practice with Archaic Language -
1. "Being thus arrived in a good harbor, and brought safe to land, they fell upon their knees and blessed the God of Heaven who had brought them over the vast and furious ocean, and delivered them from all the perils and miseries thereof, again to set their feet on the firm and stable earth, their proper element..." a. Which word or phrase means "having arrived?"" b. Which word or phrase means "stormy?"" c Which word or phrase means "all its dangers?" d. Which word or phrase means "the place where they belonged?" Do this together as a class - a. Thus arrived b. Furious ocean c. perils and miseries d. Their proper element

9 Archaic Language Now with a partner work through the rest of the worksheet. Remember to consider context clues to help you decide what a word means, break down long sentences into shorter ones, and paraphrase into language you understand.

10 Begin “Of Plymouth Plantation”
As we go through the reading: Pay attention to how these early immigrants shaped/changed America and how they were shaped/changed by their experiences! Watch how to do a close reading -Close Read ScreenCast (Holt book) Together we will complete the close reading guide for Chapter 9 I will probably try to find an audio for this part - and then slowly take them through

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