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4/29 SWBAT: Explain how the Role of women in Traditional China reflected the Changing Society of the Tang and Song dynasties? Do Now: The word virtue means.

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Presentation on theme: "4/29 SWBAT: Explain how the Role of women in Traditional China reflected the Changing Society of the Tang and Song dynasties? Do Now: The word virtue means."— Presentation transcript:

1 4/29 SWBAT: Explain how the Role of women in Traditional China reflected the Changing Society of the Tang and Song dynasties? Do Now: The word virtue means moral excellence or goodness. What are modern day virtues for girls/women? Make a list!

2 The Seven Feminine Virtues
Written by Ban Zhoa (woman author) about proper conduct for women in traditional China

3 In ancient time, it was expected that a newborn baby girl be placed underneath her parents bed.
What does this symbolize?

4 As a woman, she should keep herself constantly in the background, whatever she does. She does not speak of her goodness or flinch from her assigned tasks, however unpleasant They may be.


6 No whining about doing those dishes!

7 Finally, she should be able to endure all the humiliations and insults, from where ever they come. This is what I mean by the acknowledgement of her own inferiority, her ability to live up to it should be her constant fear and worry.



10 More concretely, she should be the first to get up in the morning and the last to go to bed in the evening. She waits upon her husband with seriousness and integrity and conducts herself in the most refined manner. She of course never indulges in any frolic, including laughter.

11 The 7 feminine virtues of women in Traditional China
Meekness Modesty Humbleness Respect Obedience Honor loyalty

12 The Role of Women Women considered inferior – patriarchal society
Supported by Confucianism - 5 social relationships Patriarchy dates back to early civilization in China. Men led ceremonies to worship ancestors. Baby girls would be killed during famine! Women were also expected to be physically attractive so many went to great lengths to be so. What are some ways women In America try to make themselves attractive?

13 Ouch!


15 An 18” waist was what was desired during the 1800’s by men… They wanted to see women have an hourglass shape. This was thought to improve their attractiveness… too bad the heart, back, abdomen, and rib cage were permanently deformed. Lots of fainting occurred, which made women appear to be weak and less able bodied creatures.



18 Women have to suffer to get into this thing and what do men have to do to look good for women? Put on a baseball cap to cover their messy hair?



21 Although Women in traditional China didn’t get plastic surgery, they did something even crazier to make themselves more attractive to men! FOOTBINDING!



24 “My feet hurt so much that for two years, I had to walk on my hands and knees. Sometimes at night, they hurt so much, I could not sleep. I stuck my foot under my mother and she lay on them so they hurt less.” ~From, Chinese Women, Past and Present

25 Foot Binding Videos




29 A diagram of a normal sketch of a foot bone versus one that has been bound.


31 Lady on left has a normal foot. The lady on the right had it bound
Lady on left has a normal foot. The lady on the right had it bound. Her other foot has bindings removed.








39 I am poor and from a peasant family, but my mom bound my feet so now I make good “concubine” material!

40 Reasons a man could divorce a woman in Traditional China
*Disobedience to in-laws *Not being able to bear a male son

41 Jealousy Stealing

42 *Adultery *Having an incurable disease *TALKATIVENESS

43 Close: Top (10) reasons why being a woman in ancient China was hard.

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