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AMS 2008 Public-Private Partnership Forum
DHS Science & Technology Directorate Brief 22 April 2008 • Washington D.C. Dr. Starnes Walker Making the Nation Safer: Challenges and Opportunities in Science and Technology Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate
Homeland Security Mission
Lead unified national effort to secure America Prevent terrorist attacks within the U.S. Respond to threats and hazards to the nation Ensure safe and secure borders Welcome lawful immigrants and visitors Promote free flow of commerce Good afternoon. I’d like to share with you some of the things the Department of Homeland Security and the Science & Technology Directorate are doing to invest in research and development to better enable technologies for detecting and protecting against terrorist acts and other high-consequence events. DHS Mission Our mission at the Department of Homeland Security is to: - lead the unified national effort to secure America - prevent and deter terrorist attacks - protect against and respond to threats and hazards to the nation, and - ensure safe and secure borders. To welcome lawful immigrants and visitors and promote the free flow of commerce is also part of our mission. Emphasize that the U.S. wants security in a form that still permits the flow of people and facilitates trade
S&T Goals Consistent with the Homeland Security Act of 2002
Accelerate delivery of enhanced technological capabilities to meet requirements and fill capability gaps to support DHS Agencies in accomplishing their mission Establish a lean and agile GS-manned, world-class S&T management team to deliver the technological advantage necessary to ensure DHS Agency mission success and prevent technology surprise Provide leadership, research and educational opportunities and resources to develop the necessary intellectual basis to enable a national S&T workforce to secure the homeland When Under Secretary Cohen came on board with the S&T Directorate in August of 2006, he identified these three goals to guide the realignment of the Directorate so it would be better prepared to enable scientific and technical capabilities in support of the DHS mission to detect, protect against and respond to catastrophic events. Briefly re-cap each goal listed above.
Customer Focused, Output Oriented
DHS S&T Investment Portfolio Balance of Risk, Cost, Impact, and Time to Delivery Product Transition (0-3 yrs) Focused on delivering near-term products/enhancements to acquisition Customer IPT controlled Cost, schedule, capability metrics Innovative Capabilities (1-5 yrs) High-risk/High payoff “Game changer/Leap ahead” Prototype, Test and Deploy HSARPA Basic Research (>8 yrs) Enables future paradigm changes University fundamental research Government lab discovery and invention Other (0-8+ yrs) Test & Evaluation and Standards Laboratory Operations & Construction Required by Administration (HSPDs) Congressional direction/law The S&T Directorate develops and manages an integrated program of science and technology, from basic research through technology transition to customers that are the operating components of DHS, State and local governments, first responders and private sector entities. Scientists and engineers in the many disciplines relevant to Homeland Security manage the program. They are guided by a multi-tiered investment strategy and review process based on higher guidance, the stated needs of our customers, and technology opportunities S&T’s investment portfolio, balanced around risk, cost, impact and time to delivery, produces capabilities of high technical quality responsive to homeland security requirements. Customer Focused, Output Oriented
Homeland Enabling Research Organizations DHS RESEARCH AFFILIATES HSI DHS Labs Centers of Excellence National Labs DoT DHS S&T Directorate DoD OTHER PARTNERS DoJ NSF FEDERAL PARTNERS NIST International NIH Associations HHS Industry NOAA NASA UARCs
Product Transition Portfolio
Enabling Capabilities, Supporting Mission Critical Needs of DHS Integrated Product Teams (IPTs) 11 Capstone IPTs form the centerpiece of the S&T’s customer-driven approach to product transition Engage DHS customers, acquisition partners, S&T technical division heads, and end users in product research, development, transition and acquisition activities Identify our customers’ needs and enable and transition near-term capabilities for addressing them The transition portfolio provides mission-capability relevant technology to support the Department’s acquisition programs. Product transition refers to S&T’s process of identifying our customers’ needs and enabling and transitioning capabilities in the near-term for addressing customer requirements. S&T’s transition process is driven by customer-led Integrated Product Team process that bring stakeholders in the process to the table. Increasingly, our DHS customers are recognizing the substantial value that S&T’s technical expertise brings to their operations. We have engaged them, eliciting participation at the highest levels, to join us to work constructively on solutions for countering the formidable threats this nation faces. [Kip Hawley, TSA; Robert Aguilar, Customs and Border Protection, and others]
IPT Initial Outcome High Priority Technology Needs
11 Capstone IPTs have identified 77 High Priority Technology Needs for DHS components and their customers Identified in new brochure and posted at Baseline established for conducting an iterative, dynamic IPT process on an annual cycle aligned with DHS funding and acquisition processes IPT Next Steps: Focus on delivering product to customers Detail proposed technology solutions Clarify deliverable and transition plans Develop Technology Transition Agreements to establish customer requirements and technical specifications The centerpiece of S&T’s Product Transition portfolio are 11Capstone Integrated Product Teams (IPTs) that engage DHS customers, acquisition partners, S&T technical division heads, and end users in our product research, development, transition and acquisition activities. The IPT process enables our customers to identify and prioritize their operational capability gaps and requirements and make informed decisions about technology investments. S&T gathers the information it needs to respond with applicable technology solutions for closing these capability gaps. Known as Enabling Homeland Capabilities, these solutions draw upon technologies that can be developed, matured, and delivered to our customer acquisition programs within three years. S&T’s Capstone IPTs address Information Sharing/Management; Cyber Security; People Screening; Border Security; Chem/Bio; Maritime Security; Explosive Prevention; Incident Management; Cargo Security; and Infrastructure Protection. Results to Date: Identification of High Priority Technology Needs for our customers (refer to slide) 11 IPTs have identified 77 High Priority Technology Needs within the 11 areas. Our efforts have provided a valuable baseline for coordinating the IPT process on an annual cycle in alignment with the Department’s funding and acquisition processes. IPT priorities – the capabilities DHS customers have identified -- are also posted on the Web at Customer Focused…Output Oriented
S&T Integrated Product Teams (IPTs)
CAPSTONE IPTS Information Sharing/Mgmt Border Security Chem/Bio Defense Maritime Security Cyber Security Explosive Prevention Cargo Security S&T Task Force IPTS People Screening Infrastructure Protection C-IED Special Project The Capstone IPT Process is maturing. Bob Hooks, our Director of Transition, and our Transition team have formed S&T Task Force IPTs to move this effort to the next level. The five Task Force IPTs shown here in orange represent the next iteration of the Capstone IPT process. Each Task Force IPT has links to one or more Capstone IPTs and represents a focused effort to address technology solutions in response to customer-identified gaps in capabilities. Note: C-IED is “Counter-IED” COP is “Common Operating Picture” Interoperability Prep/Response Situational Awareness Tools Law Enforcement Transportation Security COP
The Capstone IPT and Counter-IED Special Project IPT Dynamic
DOT Capstone IPTs Infrastructure Protection IP DHS Customer Led Near-Term Focus DOR Infrastructure/ Geophysical People Screening SCO/CIS USSS/OBP Human Factors S&T C-IED Task Force Lead Explosive Prevention Acquisition TSA/USSS S&T is establishing a Counter IED Special Project IPT that will be aimed at longer-term solutions that will require an investment in basic research to more fully address the IED threat from a point “higher up” on the kill chain. The Office of Bombing Prevention and the Secret Service are the customers at the helm of this IPT. This chart shows how the new Counter-IED Special Project IPT shown in orange at right will contribute basic and applied research capability to three of our Capstone IPTs [people screening, explosive prevention, infrastructure protection]. The emphasis of this effort will be aimed at predicting and deterring an IED attack before it can occur. This IPT will augment and lend balance to our current near-term approach for solutions to this formidable threat. Explosives Agents/Responders C-IED Special Project IPT HSPD-19 Focused Coordinating OSTP Direction Through Multiple Disciplines Additional Research Opportunities Earlier in the Prevention Cycle Long-Term Focus
Countering the IED Threat
Deter & Predict Obtain Funds Develop Organization Gather & Provide Material Improvise CONOPS / Tactics / Devices Detect & Defeat Plan Attacks Countering the IED threat is a top R&D priority of the S&T Directorate. This is an area that is receiving increasing attention from our Basic Research portfolio. S&T’s efforts to date have emphasized near-term solutions for addressing the threat – the detect and defeat portions of the threat spectrum – depicted in the middle of this chart. These near-term solutions often involve neutralizing and disposing of bombs. S&T is balancing this effort with an investment in long-term basic research to arrive at a fundamental and fuller understanding of the threat that would enable us to make more informed decisions about how best to allocate our research dollars. The idea is to devote some resources to the “deter and predict” area shown at the top of this chart -- and break the links early on in the IED delivery chain. These efforts are more focused on the bombers and their behaviors – the idea is to identify and stop the bombers before they have the opportunity to execute their deadly attack. If you get the bomber, you don’t have to worry about the bomb. An investment in long-term basic research in this area will help us get closer to the bomber and closer to succeeding in our efforts to predicting and heading off an IED attack before it can happen. Perform Attacks BOOM Consequence Management Mitigate Attribution Breaking the links in the IED Delivery Chain
Innovation Portfolio High Risk, High Gain, Game Changers for Leap-Ahead Results Promotes revolutionary changes in technology Focus on prototyping and deploying critical technologies Includes: HSARPA – Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency “Homeworks” – 1% of budget highest risk, highest pay-off Small Business Innovation Research program Visit and Our Innovation portfolio (includes the Small Business Innovation Research program) promotes revolutionary changes in technologies with a focus on prototyping and deploying technologies critical to homeland security. 1% of our budget is allocated to Homeworks – projects that present the highest risk and, if successful, yield the potential for the greatest gains.
Innovation/HSARPA HIPS and HITS
Homeland Innovative Prototypical Solutions (HIPS) are designed to deliver prototype-level demonstrations of game-changing technologies in two to five years. Projects are moderate to high risk, with high payoff. High Impact Technology Solutions (HITS) are designed to provide proof-of-concept answers within one to three years that could result in high-payoff technology breakthroughs. While these projects are at considerable risk for failure, they offer the potential for significant gains in capability. This slide explains the dual focus of our Innovation Portfolio. All six divisions of S&T are involved HIPS projects, aimed at prototype development, and HITS projects, which focus on proof-of-concept solutions for pressing homeland security challenges.
This chart depicts several HIPS and HITS projects that S&T has plans to demonstrate in the coming months.
Counter-MANPADS/Persistent Surveillance Office of Innovation - Homeland Innovative Prototypical Solutions Project Chloe 65K Feet Counter-MANPADS Functions MWS Detect & Declare Slew & Hand-off Track Jam Border & Critical Infrastructure Surveillance Engagement Time: 3-10 Seconds Maritime Surveillance & Interdiction Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs) High-Altitude Stand-Off Counter-MANPADS High Altitude – Wide-Area Coverage Long Endurance – Persistent Surveillance Large Payload – Multi-Sensor Project Chloe — Enhanced Situational Awareness Major thrust is to evaluate, develop and demonstrate with a prototype an alternative concept of providing persistent stand-off airborne protection from Man-Portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADS) for all commercial aircraft within a designated geographic area. Effort will couple proven High Altitude Endurance Unmanned Aerial Systems with counter-MANPADS technology solutions that prove to be the most promising in defeating the MANPADS threat to commercial aviation. The solutions sought are based on existing systems and component technologies and will likely require significant modification of existing sensor technologies to meet performance goals. MANPADS Operational Characteristics Real-time sensor fusion/dissemination Multi-user / border surveillance requirements Commercial Aircraft MANPADS protection Automatic target detection/recognition Persistence (24/7, all-weather coverage)
Homeland Innovative Prototype Solutions Future Attribute Screening Technology Mobile Module (FAST M2) The Future Attribute Screening Technologies Mobile Module (FAST M2) program will provide a mobile facility for developing, integrating and implementing human centered/behavioral screening technology. It will provide a new mobile means to explore methods for assessing access control in multiple traffic and infrastructure applications. While existing screening technologies – such as biometrics – offer the potential to identify known terrorists, FAST technologies focus strictly on real-time behavior patterns in an attempt to prevent the unknown terrorist from gaining access to their target location. Systems Queue management Behavioral profiling Rapid risk assessment Screening methodologies Operational Characteristics Discover screening methods for intent Privacy protection for all participants Simple to operate and use Functions Identity verification Attribute measurement Risk determination Behavior focused screening
Homeland Innovative Prototypical Solutions Levee Strengthening and Rapid Repair
Pre-emptive mapping of weak levees Pre-Flood Deployment of Protective And Rapid Repair Supplies to Problem Locations Drop-in structures lofted by aircraft Float-in structure guided by cables HIPS Example: Hindsight is always 20-20, but if we’d had a capability to strengthen and rapidly repair a levee breach two years ago when Hurricane Katrina struck, we would have stood a far better chance of gaining control of an escalating catastrophe. The Army’s Engineering Research and Development Center and S&T will pursue this HIPS project to do three things: identify problem areas along levees develop temporary and cost effective permanent levee strengthening options, and use rapid repair technology to close a breach in a levee within hours instead of days. The following video clip illustrates a potential solution we are exploring to address the challenge of rapidly repairing a levee breach. . Explosively Emplaced Support Structures Roll-out protective coverings such as articulated concrete mats
Homeland Innovative Prototypical Solutions Levee Strengthening and Rapid Repair
NOTE: This video clip is on “automatic” and will roll as soon as you bring the slide up. Do not click on image – if you do it will skip the video and advance to next slide.
Basic Research Portfolio
Discovery and Invention to Enable Future Capabilities Brings the capabilities, talent and resources of the Homeland Security Centers of Excellence, DOE National Laboratories and DHS Labs to bear to address the long-term R&D needs for DHS in sciences of enduring relevance This type of focused, protracted research investment has potential to lead to paradigm shifts in the nation’s homeland security capabilities S&T’s three R&D portfolios provide the foundation for much of the Directorate’s activities in support of the Secretary’s priorities and the missions of our customers -- the DHS components and their customers – the brave men and women on the front lines of homeland security Basic research is an essential component of a balanced S&T investment portfolio and we are looking to build on our efforts in this area. The basic research portfolio addresses the long-term R&D needs for the Department in sciences of enduring relevance to homeland security. This type of focused, protracted research investment has the potential to lead to paradigm shifts in the nation’s homeland security capabilities.
Explosives Chemical/Biological Command, Control & Interoperability Borders/Maritime Human Factors Infrastructure/ Geophysical NEW National Center for Explosives Detection & Counter- measures IDS-UACs RVACs NEW National Center for Border Security & Immigration NEW National Center for Maritime Domain Awareness and Island & Remote/Extreme Environment NEW National Center for Gulf Coast Natural Disaster & Port Security Consolidated CCI Center Consolidated Chem/Bio Center Four new university-based Homeland Security Centers of Excellence will be announced in October. Focus Areas of the four Centers align with S&T divisions and include: - explosives detection, mitigation, and response; - border security and immigration; - maritime, island, and extreme/remote environment security; and - natural disasters, coastal infrastructure and emergency management. –Chart depicts the future alignment of the Centers of Excellence with the activities of the six S&T divisions. Our DHS Centers of Excellence are an important vehicle for carrying out the S&T Directorate’s basic research program. Ten university-based research centers have been established to date (11 as of October), each focused on a specific homeland security challenge COEs are linked to research efforts at more than 90 colleges and universities, including several Minority Serving Institutions [We have 12 MSIs including four Hispanic Serving Institutions – University of Texas, San Antonio; University of New Mexico; New Mexico State; and John Jay College (CUNY) Operations & Analysis Risk Sciences Branch & HSI Risk Determination
DHS S&T Laboratories Environmental Measurements Laboratory National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center (NBACC) Transportation Security Laboratory Plum Island Animal Disease Center The DHS laboratory network provides another essential cornerstone of our basic research program. Our labs provide the foundation that makes scientific invention and discovery possible. This slide depicts our four DHS labs (refer to slide). In addition, there are 10 DOE National Labs and S&T, through our enabling legislation, may access all 10. (We currently have work with most of the DOE Labs.) … DHS S&T has four labs and access to 10 DOE National Labs
Command, Control & Interoperability Infrastructure/ Geophysical
DHS / DOE Laboratory Alignment S&T DIVISIONS Explosives Chemical/Biological Command, Control & Interoperability Borders/Maritime Human Factors Infrastructure/ Geophysical LANL PNNL SNL NTS INL LLNL SNL ANL LANL PNNL LBNL SRNL LANL LLNL PNNL ORNL NTS INL LBNL LLNL SRNL BNL ANL BNL ORNL SNL ORNL ANL INL BNL LBNL DOE DHS PIADC NBACC Meeting Result: S&T has aligned the DOE National laboratories and DHS lab assets such as the Plum Island Animal Disease Center and the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center with the six S&T divisions to better focus and coordinate research efforts and achieve results that are aligned with the DHS mission. NASA NASA NASA NASA Standards Test and Evaluation TSL / EML
Doing Business with DHS S&T Broad Agency Announcements (BAA)
Examples of Current Solicitation Topics Long Range BAA – addresses needs of 6 S&T divisions Explosives Detection Communications and Maritime Safety CELL ALL – Ubiquitous chem/bio sensing First Responder Reliable Link (First NET) Cyber Security R&D Biometric Detector Unified Incident Command & Decision Support, Ph. 2 For more about BAAs, visit and S&T issues open competitive solicitations seeking expertise from many corners, both domestically and globally, to find solutions for addressing some of the most pressing challenges in homeland security. We are looking to engage with industry and other partners to address capability gaps in several key areas. This slide gives you an idea of some of the DHS S&T solicitations that are currently open and posted on the Web at and NOTE: The long-range BAA will be open for one year and will seek R&D solutions across the full spectrum of the S&T mission.
Examples of Prototypes Scheduled for FY 08 Completion
DHS S&T SBIR Program Examples of Prototypes Scheduled for FY 08 Completion DHS S&T has an Active SBIR Program for Small High Tech Businesses Two Solicitations issued annually address multiple technical requirements that cut across six S&T divisions FY 2008 SBIR Solicitation Schedule Pre-Solicitation [FY08.1] Posted: Dec. 3, 2007 Proposals Accepted: Dec. 19 to Feb. 4; contracts to be awarded May 2008 (est.) Pre-Solicitation [FY08.2] to be posted April 1 Proposals Accepted April 16 to May 30; contracts to be awarded August 2008 (est) Visit Secure Carton Integrated Electronics Remote System for enhanced port and border security Twice a year, S&T, through our Small Business Innovation Research program, posts a batch of solicitations covering a variety of technical topic areas on the Web at NOTE: These solicitations are directed at U.S. small businesses Handheld LIXID Inspection Device for Coast Guard and private sector
TechSolutions Rapid Technology Development
Mission: To rapidly address technology gaps identified by Federal, State, Local, and Tribal first responders Field prototypical solutions in 12 months Cost should be commensurate with proposal but less than $1M per project Solution should meet 80% of identified requirements Provide a mechanism for Emergency Responders to relay their capability gaps Capability gaps are gathered using a web site ( Gaps are addressed using existing technology, spiral development, and rapid prototyping Emergency Responders partner with DHS from start to finish Rapid Technology Development Target: Solutions Fielded within 1 year, at ~<$1M
DHS S&T Innovation in the News…
S&T Outreach 2008 Schedule 2009 Plans 2007 Highlights
S&T Stakeholders West Los Angeles, January 14-17 Chemical and Biological R&D Technologies Conference, San Antonio, TX, January 28-February 1 Second Annual DHS University Network Summit, Washington, DC, March 19-21 Stakeholders East, Washington, DC, June 2-5 PacAsia S&T Conference, Hawaii, Fall 2008 2009 Plans Pacific Rim Conference, Early 2009, TBA 2007 Highlights First Annual DHS University Network Summit, Washington, DC, March 14 Homeland Security Technology Solutions Demonstrations Event, Washington, DC, March 16 Industry Day, Washington, DC, March 18 S&T Stakeholders Conference, Washington, DC, May 21-24 Technologies for Critical Incident Preparedness Conference, November 6-8 SAFETY Act Workshop, November 16 International Security National Resilience Conference, December 3-5, London Following this conference, S&T will continue its outreach to our various stakeholder groups. Refer to slide. Before closing, mention other highlights for Day One: Also this morning, the States followed by responder organizations will take center stage. This afternoon, you’ll hear about SAFE – Secure Against Fires & Embers which I mentioned earlier EVOC - Anaheim Enterprise Virtual Operations Center – enables a quick and informed response by putting real-time information at responders’ fingertips Next up after the break: Erroll Southers will brief us on intelligence and counter terrorism efforts of the Los Angeles World Airports. LAWA is the airport oversight and operations department oversight and operations department for Los Angeles. Take questions as desired and close.
Back-Up Slides
Homeland Innovative Prototypical Solutions SAFECON – Safe Container
Quickly Detect and Identify Dangerous Cargo Integrated Sensor Suite: explosives, chemical agents, biological agents human cargo, contraband Scan for WMD, contraband, and human cargo during normal crane transport operations Addresses a major capability gap – the ability to quickly and effectively screen cargo. Much of the cargo entering the U.S. is either unscreened or “under” screened. SAFECON is designed to help fill this gap: – a screening device for containers that quickly detects and identifies dangerous cargo features integrated sensor suite to detect explosives, bio and chemical agents, human cargo and contraband Will investigate various technologies including probe systems to be installed on cranes that load and off-load containers transported by ships. – focus on reducing time required for screening to 90 seconds to enable significantly more cargo to be cleared. - Demo of improved technologies to be underway in FY 09. Improved Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) capability Improved Sensors for explosives, Chem, and Bio agents
Information Sharing/Mgmt Infrastructure Protection
DHS Requirements/Capability Capstone IPTs DHS S&T Product – “Enabling Homeland Capabilities” (EHCs) Information Sharing/Mgmt Border Security Chem/Bio Defense OIA CBP/ICE CMO/IP Acquisition C2I Acquisition Borders/Maritime Acquisition Chem/Bio OOC Inspector/Agents Policy Maritime Security Cyber Security Explosive Prevention Cargo Security USCG CS&C TSA/USSS CBP Acquisition Acquisition Acquisition Acquisition/Policy Borders/ Maritime Borders/ Maritime Infrastructure/ Geophysical/C2I Explosives Infrastructure Owners/Operators Guardsmen Agents Officers/Industry People Screening Infrastructure Protection Incident Management Interoperability Prep & Response SCO/CIS IP FEMA/OEC FEMA Acquisition Acquisition Human Factors Infrastructure/ Geophysical Acquisition C2I Acquisition Infrastructure/ Geophysical Sept 12, 2006 Infrastructure Owners/Operators US VISIT/TSA First Responders First Responders
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