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Chapter 1– Introduction

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1 Chapter 1– Introduction
The Developing Person Through the Life Span 8e by Kathleen Stassen Berger Chapter 1– Introduction

2 Defining Development The science of human development… seeks to understand how and why people—all kinds of people, everywhere, of every age—change over time.

3 Understanding How and Why
We study human development using empirical research that is both scientific and applied. The scientific method is a way to answer questions using empirical research and data- based conclusions.

4 Understanding How and Why
Five Basic Steps of the Scientific Method Begin with curiosity. Develop a hypothesis. Test the hypothesis. Draw conclusions. Report the results.

5 The Scientific Method Often, a sixth step is needed before the scientific community accepts conclusions. Replication: The repetition of a study, using different participants.

6 The Nature-Nurture Debate
Nature refers to the influence of genes which we inherit. Nurture refers to environmental influences, such as: health and diet of the embryo’s mother family school community society

7 Critical and Sensitive Periods
A critical period is a time when certain things must occur for normal development. A sensitive period is when a particular development occurs most easily.

8 Observing Changes Over Time
Dynamic-Systems Theory Perpetually ongoing process Conception to death Molded by many influences

9 The Life Span Perspective
Takes into account all phases of life, not just childhood or adulthood. Views development as MULTIDIRECTIONAL MULTICONTEXTUAL MULTICULTURAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY

10 The Life-Span Perspective
Development is Multidirectional Over time, human characteristics change in every direction. Several major theorists describe stages of development: Freud, Erickson, Piaget. Others view development as a continuous process.

11 Continuous vs. Discontinuous

12 The Life-Span Perspective
Ecological-Systems Approach The person should be considered in all the contexts and interactions that constitute a life. Person developing within a complete set of relationships. Affected by multiple levels of surrounding environment. Later renamed bioecological theory.

13 Ecological Systems Theory

14 The Life-Span Perspective
Development Is Multicontextual Historical Context Age Nonnormative influences

15 The Life-Span Perspective
Socioeconomic Context socioeconomic status (SES) A person’s position in society as determined by income, wealth, occupation, education, and place of residence.

16 The Life-Span Perspective
Development Is Multicultural Culture - patterns of behavior passed from one generation to the next. Vygotsky described the interaction between culture and education.

17 The Life-Span Perspective
Development Is Multidisciplinary Genetics and neuroscience are two of the newer disciplines in lifespan research. Every trait— psychological as well as physical—is influenced by genes.

18 The Life-Span Perspective
Development Is Plastic Stability versus plasticity Stability: Early experience may have a lifelong impact Plasticity: Human traits can be molded, yet people maintain a certain durability of identity (as plastic can).

19 Using the Scientific Method
Scientific Observation Requires the researcher to record behavior systematically and objectively. Naturalistic Observation Structured Observation

20 Using the Scientific Method
The Experiment establishes causal relationships among variables. independent variable- variable that is introduced to see what effect it has on the dependent variable. dependent variable- variable that may change as a result of whatever new condition or situation the experimenter adds.

21 Using the Scientific Method
experimental group- gets a particular treatment (the independent variable). comparison group (also called a control group), which does not get the experimental group treatment.

22 Using the Scientific Method
The Survey Information is collected from a large number of people. Acquiring valid survey data is not easy. Some people lie, some change their minds. Survey answers are influenced by the wording and the sequence of the questions.

23 Studying Development over the Life Span
Longitudinal Same group studied at different times Cross-Sectional Differing groups studied at the same time Sequential Several similar cross-sectional or longitudinal studies at varying times

24 Using the Scientific Method

25 Correlation and Causation Correlation is not causation!
Cautions from Science Correlation and Causation A correlation exists between two variables if one variable is more (or less) likely to occur when the other does. Positive correlation - both variables tend to increase or decrease together. Negative correlation - one variable tends to increase while the other decreases. Zero correlation - no connection is evident. Correlation is not causation!

26 Ethics Each academic discipline and professional society involved in the study of human development has a code of ethics. An Institutional Review Board (IRB) ensures that research follows established guidelines and remains ethical.

27 Rights of Research Participants
Protection from harm Informed Consent Privacy Knowledge of Results Beneficial Treatments

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