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CS-401 Computer Architecture & Assembly Language Programming

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Presentation on theme: "CS-401 Computer Architecture & Assembly Language Programming"— Presentation transcript:

1 CS-401 Computer Architecture & Assembly Language Programming
Lecture-18 String Instructions

2 Lets revise the last lecture

3 Multiply Instruction

4 String Instructions

5 stosb/stosw Store String
Transfer a byte/word from register AL/AX to the string element addressed by ES:DI and updates DI accordingly to point to the next location. DF = 0 increment DI DF = 1 decrement DI Flags Affected: NONE Uses: Fill a constant in a block of memory.

6 lodsb/lodsw Load String
Transfer a byte/word from the source location DS:DI to location AL/AX. SI is updated accordingly to point to the next location. Flags Affected: NONE Normally rep prefix is not used with lods.

7 scansb/scansw Scan String
Compares the source byte/word in register AL/AX. With the destination location ES:DI and updates the flags. DI is updated accordingly to point to the next location. Nothing changes except flags and DI. Flags Affected: A C O P S Z Uses: Locate a byte / Skip certain byte

8 movsb/movsw Move String
Transfers a byte/word from a source location DI:SI to the destination location ES:DI and updates SI and DI accordingly to point to the next location. Flags Affected: NONE Uses: Move block of memory

9 cmpsb/cmpsw Compare String
Subtracts the destination location ES:DI byte/word from source location DS:SI. Source and destination are unaffected. SI and DI are updated accordingly to point to the next location. Flags Affected: A C O P S Z Uses: Search a Substring

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