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Forensic Chemist By: Julie Campbell.

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Presentation on theme: "Forensic Chemist By: Julie Campbell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forensic Chemist By: Julie Campbell

2 What is a Forensic Chemist
A professional chemist who analyzes evidence brought from crime scenes and reaches a conclusion

3 Main Responsibilities
Apply knowledge to analyze evidence found at crime scenes on/in the bodies of crime suspects Often called upon to explain what was found and how they arrived at their conclusions Giving expert testimony in a court is a significant part of their job

4 Skills Required Public speaking skills
Being comfortable with what you do Must be articulate, and able to explain complicated things in simple ways

5 Education and Training
Strong background in chemistry, instrumental analysis, knowledge in Criminalistics Forensic science degree at both the undergrad and grad level (recommended) Some employers require several months of mock courtroom testimony training along with regular training

6 Job Opportunities DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration
Accept assignments anywhere in the U.S as well as Puerto Rico Salary ranges from as low as $30,000/year up to $60,000/ year

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