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Does anyone want to go for a swim?

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Presentation on theme: "Does anyone want to go for a swim?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Does anyone want to go for a swim?

2 How about swimming in this lake ?

3 What’s going on with the water?

4 What is Eutrophication?
The enrichment of nutrients to water resulting in an increase of the primary production (growth of e.g. algae). Natural eutrophication sources of nutrients are naturally occurring Cultural eutrophication sources of nutrients result of human activity

5 Where does the green color come from?

6 YES So what are algae anyway? Are they plants? Are they protists?
Are they prokaryotic? Are they eukaryotic? Are they photosynthetic? Are they microscopic? Are they macroscopic? YES

7 Algae – simple organisms composed of one cell, or grouped together in colonies, or as organisms with many cells, sometimes collaborating together as simple tissues. Anabaena, a common bloom-forming, unicellular, prokaryotic cyanobacteria Syprogyra, a common unicellular, eukaryotic, algae Common types of algae can be seen here

8 This photo taken from a lake in Manitoba
This photo taken from a lake in Manitoba. A yellow barrier separates in inlet of a lake from the main body of water. What’s going on here?

9 What do algae need to grow?
Sunlight Water Carbon dioxide Oxygen Nutrients Phosphorous Nitrogen Potassium Other inorganic substances




13 Potassium cycle two views

14 Where do the excess nutrients come from?
Point Sources (specific, identifiable locations) Wastewater effluent (municipal and industrial) Runoff and leachate from waste disposal systems Runoff and infiltration from animal feedlots Runoff from mines, oil fields, unsewered industrial sites Overflows of combined storm and sanitary sewers Nonpoint Sources (specific source not identifiable) Runoff from agriculture/irrigation Runoff from pasture and range Urban runoff from unsewered areas Septic tank leaching (leaking) Runoff from abandoned mines Atmospheric deposition over a water surface Other land activities generating contaminants

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