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Poem-Riddle Activity.

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1 Poem-Riddle Activity

2 Poem-Riddle Instructions
Your activity will be to write a riddle worthy of the Benjamin Banneker name. The length should be no more then one page. The riddle-poem will be graded on the four major attributes below: Grade level Content- should be on grade level Innovative thinking Multiple ways to possibly solve -i.e. Graph, equation, diagram, table Written/Grammar – it should be written in a creative manner

3 Poem-Riddle Rubric 1 2 3 4 Attribute Content Below grade level
Grade level surface level understanding to be able to solve the riddle On grade level written for a deeper understanding of the content On grade level content written for deeper understanding of the content integrates various domains Innovative Thinking Simple and direct Simple and direct, looking at the situation from third perspective Create a novel idea. Create a novel idea Integrates alternate divergent or ideas Solve Only a single approach is considered. (1 step problem) Only a single approach is considered. (2 step problem) Multiple Entry Ways and approaches to solving. (2 step) Multiple entryways and approaches. Multi-step problem (3 or more steps) Written/ Grammar Inconsistencies are evident. Grammatically Incorrect Grammatically correct Word choice is inventive, sophisticated, and appropriate for work. Vivid and imaginative descriptive details are present. Setting, characters, and plot are fully fleshed out, vibrant, and connected -Flow of action is logical and deliberate

4 Benjamin Banneker National Celebration Report Card
Teachers, Hosts, & Coordinators, Thank you for participating in the first annual Benjamin Banneker Day. We appreciate your support and advocacy for this event. Please visit to complete the host report card in our efforts to collect valid data of this event. We would appreciate your feedback as we work to make this event a purposeful event for years to come.

5 Benjamin Banneker Association Website
Contact Information Event Webpage Facebook Benjamin Banneker Association Website

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