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Elementary Conflict Resolution New Jersey State Bar Foundation

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1 Elementary Conflict Resolution New Jersey State Bar Foundation
Frank J. Dugan Elementary

2 Click on Video Link Below:
Program Goals: Click on Video Link Below: Students Learn the Skills of Conflict Resolution 1) Enhance Children’s Social and Emotional Development * Being open to other perspectives. 2) Create a Safe Learning Environment * Learning/Practicing how to “cool off” 3) Create a Constructive Learning Environment * “I” messages 4) Create a Constructive Conflict Community * Win/Win Guidelines

3 Elements of a Peaceful School
Requirements for effective conflict resolution program: School-wide peacemaking activities: Consistent School-Wide Standards Appropriate rewards and consequences. All Staff trained in Conflict Resolution. All Students are trained in Conflict Resolution. Skills are used and reinforced throughout the year. Week of Respect Monthly Lessons incorporated into Media/Literacy. Monthly classroom reinforcement activities. Peace Corners in all classrooms. “Work It Out” designated areas in lunchroom and playground PTA presentations Home/School communication

4 What is Conflict? The following definition will be referenced throughout the year during monthly conflict resolution lessons. Conflict is struggle between or among people resulting from incompatible or opposing needs, wishes, or demands. A situation in which someone believes that his or her own needs, wishes, or demands have been denied.

5 Each human being is unique yet all have basic needs, wishes, and demands.
Physical Survival (Air, food, shelter, personal safety) Love and Belonging(Family, friends, sports, club activities, etc.) Power and Achievement(Accomplishing difficult tasks, competition) Freedom(Choices) Fun(Go to a movie, shop, listen to music, use an IPAD)

6 When to use the Win-Win Guidelines
The Challenge is: Win/Win Guidelines 6 Step approach to peaceful conflict resolution How can you make a choice that will make you happy and make others happy too? Cool off. “I” Messages. Reflective Listening Take Responsibility for your actions. Brainstorm Solutions Affirm, forgive, or thank.

7 Keystone of Conflict Resolution
“I” Messages As Easy as A-B-C! “I” Messages are a clear, assertive, non-threatening, respectful way of telling another person how you feel and what you want. I Feel….state how you feel. When you…… state the problem Because… state why.

8 in this way, they feel affirmed.
Reflective Listening Listen with Complete attention to the person speaking. Repeat back in you own words what they just said. When people are listened to in this way, they feel affirmed. They listen better to you when it’s your turn to speak.

9 Benefits Of A School-Wide Conflict Resolution Program (Video: Peace Helpers Become Problem Solvers)
The New Jersey State Bar Foundation Conflict Resolution Curriculum teaches social and emotional competencies to children and adults to help them handle conflict more constructively, build healthy relationships, and create constructive communities. Students will learn: Emotional Awareness Empathy and Perspective-Taking Emotional Management Problem-Solving Communication (listening, negotiation, and mediation) Effective Decision Making

10 Program Timeline Phase 1- September All Dugan staff trained on the New Jersey State Bar Foundation Program. Phase 2- October May All students are trained on the New Jersey State Bar Foundation Conflict Resolution Program through monthly lessons and activities. Phase 3- June th Grade Peer Mediators selected by peer nomination. Phase 4- September Nominated 5th Grade Peer Mediators Training. Phase 5- October June 2018 School Wide Peer Mediation Implementation

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