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Door Greeters Creative Robotics.

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Presentation on theme: "Door Greeters Creative Robotics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Door Greeters Creative Robotics

2 The Problem There are good people and mean people in the world.
Your mission, if you decide to accept it, is ….

3 The Mission When someone comes to our door, we want to keep the mean people out and invite the nice people in. We must figure out how to determine friend or foe. Then we must build systems to welcome friends and tell the unfriendlies to scram. Your mission, if you decide to accept it, is ….

4 The History of Door Greeters
Discovery The History of Door Greeters Gargoyles: Gargoyles are a race of very powerful winged beings who were the defenders of castles. By day, they are immobilized in stone as statues on the castle parapets. When the sun sets, the stone turns to flesh and they take to their task of defending their home. Your mission, if you decide to accept it, is ….

5 The History of Door Greeters
Discovery The History of Door Greeters Buddha: The Awakened One is a being who has become fully enlightened, has permanently overcome anger, greed, and ignorance, and has achieved complete liberation from suffering, better known as Nirvana. The Buddha at the North Temple Pagoda in Suzhou does not have a big stomach because of his appetite, but because he's swallowing all the evil of the world (or so they say). Your mission, if you decide to accept it, is ….

6 The History of Door Greeters
Discovery The History of Door Greeters Avatar: Ganesh, the Hindu God The chubby, gentle, wise, elephant-headed Ganesh is one of Hinduisms most popular deities. He is the patron of letters and of learning. Ganesh is honored at the start of a journey or business venture. Your mission, if you decide to accept it, is ….

7 The History of Door Greeters
Discovery The History of Door Greeters The Sphinx: The body of a lion with the head of a king or god, the sphinx symbolizes strength and wisdom. A great sphinx sits outside the Egyptian pyramids and says, “Don’t mess with me!” Your mission, if you decide to accept it, is ….

8 The History of Door Greeters
Discovery The History of Door Greeters Butler: Nehemiah was the butler (or cup-bearer) to King Artaxerxes in 446BC. Butler is a position of great responsibility and honor in royal households. Your mission, if you decide to accept it, is ….

9 The History of Door Greeters
Discovery The History of Door Greeters Bouncer: A big palooka who keeps the riff raff out. Your mission, if you decide to accept it, is ….

10 The door greeter will rise as the door opens and fall as it closes.
Let’s start by building a strong cardboard arm from which we will hang our door greeter. The door greeter will rise as the door opens and fall as it closes. Cut two 3”x8” pieces of chip board and then cut to the length of the coffee stirrer sticks.

11 Door Greeter We’ll strengthen the cardboard by taping wooden coffee stirrer sticks to the cardboard.

12 Door Greeter Tape the two pieces together. The tape should act like a hinge so you can fold the pieces in the next step. Punch 2 holes through which you will thread the string that makes your critter go up and down.

13 Use one of the small 1.5”x3” pieces you cut off in the 1st step.
Door Greeter Use one of the small 1.5”x3” pieces you cut off in the 1st step. Tape it to the two legs to make a triangle. Triangles make strong structures!

14 Now you need to make a critter. Make it as light as possible.
Door Greeter Now you need to make a critter. Make it as light as possible. Perhaps a cuckoo bird made from foam rubber, foamies, sponge and pipe cleaners. Some ideas are posted here.

15 Cut a 6 foot length of string or thread.
Door Greeter You’ll need 2 push pins to attach the cardboard arm to the wood frame surrounding the door. Bend a paper clip to form an ‘S’ shape. This will allow you to quickly hook different critters to greet visitors. Cut a 6 foot length of string or thread.

16 Tape one end of the string to the edge of the door.
Door Greeter Tape one end of the string to the edge of the door. Thread the string through the punched holes in the cardboard arm. Hook up your critter.

17 When you open the door, your assistant will greet visitors.
Door Greeter When you open the door, your assistant will greet visitors. You could make the critter hold a sign or dangle some bells.

18 Door Greeter Fan blade ¼’ brass tube Aluminum pots and pans
Premium quality junk for eyes and nose 6”x1”x8’ pine wood (1x18”, 2x14”, 2x6”, 2x4”) Bell ¾” PVC plumbing pipe x2’ ½” copper plumbing pipe x2’ ¾” 90 degree PVC shoulder couple x2 ½” 90 degree copper pipe couple x2 6”x2’ aluminum air dryer pipe Hand clamp Assorted stainless steel sheet metal screws. Sheet rock screws 1.5” 4’

19 Hall of Fame Door Greeters

20 Door Greeters – Cuckoo Bird

21 Door Greeters – Cuckoo Bird

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